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Kane wiped the tears roughly as they constantly fell. He didn't understand why Alexander's death was hurting him so bad. His heart felt so tight. He sobbed quietly. Once again, another person that he cared about was gone.

"Ya' loved him, didn't ya'?" Clint studied Kane's body language. He knew him like the back of his hand. He knew when Kane was lying or when he told the truth.

"No." Kane answered lowly.

Truthfully, he didn't know whether or not he loved Alexander. He'd never loved anybody romantically before, but he did know he had grown to care for Alexander.

Clint analyzed him, noticing how fidgety he had become. He was lying. He leaned forward menacingly, making Kane flinch. He laughed at the small action.

"Ya' scared of me?"


It was no secret that Kane was terrified of him, the man who had traumatized him since he was a kid. He'd take Alexander's abuse over Clint's any day. Clint's abuse was physical, sexual, and psychological. Clint could play mind games all day and he was good at masking his emotions. He was skilled at reading people and their emotions. He was a psychopath. He knew how to adapt to his environment, he was charming and manipulative. He didn't have a conscience, no regrets or guilt. It's what made him so dangerous.

He gripped Kane's face tightly. "Then ya' shouldn't be lyin' ta' me. Now I'll ask again, next time I won't be so lenient. Did ya' love him?"

"I don't know." His voice cracked as he thought about the voice message over and over.

"I think ya' did. Dat's why ya' so upset, 'cause ya' didn't get ta' tell him how ya' felt 'bout him befo' he left. Ya' gone regret it fa' da' rest of ya' life. His last thoughts were how much he loved ya' yet ya' didn't tell him how much ya' loved him." He mockingly laughed, "Fuckin' pitiful if ya' ask me."

"Did ya' kill him?" Kane finally managed to ask.

"Did ya' love him?"

"So what if I did? Okay? I l-" Kane was cut off by Clint's fist colliding with his face.

Clint's face remained stoic and that terrified Kane even more. Kane didn't know how Clint felt in this moment but it was safe to assume he was pissed.

"Ya' know not ta' play wit' me. Ya' must forgot who I was 'cause ya' know I don't tolerate dat talkin' back. Do I need ta' remind ya' who I am?"

"I'm sorry." Kane whimpered, wiping the blood from his nose.

Clint stroked his face lovingly before pulling out a baby blue handkerchief. He gently wiped Kane's sore nose with it.

"Don't test me, butterfly. Don't forget we gotta make up fa' lost time." He leaned in and placed a soft kiss at the base of Kane's neck, "A lot of it."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Kane apologized repetitively as Clint continued to attack his neck with kisses.

He raised his hand, silencing Kane immediately.

"Ya' see this?" He pointed to his scar, "Ya' did this, and I'm gon' make sure ya' pay fa' it. Nobody can save ya'. It's just us."

It was one thing that Kane knew about Clint, he never lied. And he knew he was going to regret everything he had done to Clint.



Kane rocked back and forth like a madman as he sat in the dark room. He was cold and he had urinated on himself countless times out of fear. The only light that came into the room was when his food was brought to him, a fruit salad with a glass of water. He hadn't seen or heard from anybody since he got here. He lost count of how long he'd been here after four days. He hadn't had a shower since he was put in the room. The room smelled strongly of feces and urine. He had given up on begging to be let out. Clint was right, he would make Kane regret what he did to him, he already was. He was gradually losing his mind.

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