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Kane stared down at the large wedding ring on his hand. Marry Clint and his parents live. His daughter gets to have her grandparents in her life, he gets to have his parents. Whether he agreed or not, he would still be under Clint.

"If ya' choose not ta' marry me, not only will I make ya' kill ya' parents, but I'll tell Aiden where ya' lil friend in England is. I don't think ya' would want ta' put da' only friend ya' have through dat again. And dat lil therapist, Miss Anica, it would be a shame if she was struck by a drunk driver on da' way home from da' office, she wouldn't even see it comin'. And what 'bout ya' lil guard friends, Ryder and Greg-"

"Okay, okay! Just stop please. If I say yes, can I make rules?" Kane asked softly.

"It's whatever ya' want, love." He smiled at Kane.

"If I agree, ya' can't touch me sexually wit'out my permission and ya' can't abuse me, don't do anything ta' my daughter, ya' have ta' let me see my friends and parents when I feel like it, and ya' have ta' let me go ta' Alex's funeral."

"How do I know ya' won't escape when I let ya' out?" He pulled Kane into his lap, Kane ignored the urge to throw up.

"I won't, I promise."

"And if I don't agree?" Clint smirked, Kane had no leverage.

"Please, it's all I'm askin'." Kane begged.

Clint looked at Kane with astonishment. He would rather spend the rest of his life under Clint's control than for him to hurt the people closest to him.

"Ya' love those people, huh?"

"They all I got." And it was true.

Clint pondered over it before agreeing. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a velvet box. He opened it, revealing a diamond ring. It was nothing like the one Alexander gave him. Kane's eyes locked on his wedding ring longingly, he missed Alexander so much.

"Take it off." Clint demanded as he saw Kane staring at his ring. "Ya' won't need it anymore."

Kane stood up. "Can I keep it?"

"Fo' what? Ya' ain't keepin' nothin' of his."


"Take it off, Kane. I ain't gon' ask again."

Kane backed away from Clint as he stood up and began moving towards him.

"It's one of da' only things I got left of him please, Clint." Kane began to ramble about how he needed to keep the ring.

"If ya' don't take dat ring off and put it in my hands right now ya' can kiss ya' rules goodbye." Clint felt his finger twitching, he was feeling the urge to hurt Kane or to atleast be inside of him. He was an extreme sadist. At this point, he was craving some type of pain from Kane.

"I will marry ya' just please let me keep da' ring." Tears pooled in Kane's eyes.

"I'm done bein' lenient." Clint grabbed Kane by the shoulders and roughly shoved him against the wall.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Kane whimpered.

"I gave ya' ample opportunity ta' take it off, too late." Kane froze once he felt Clint yanking his sweatpants down. It felt as if he was stuck in place as he heard the sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor. "I need ta' be inside ya'."

Kane shut his eyes tightly as he cried, preparing himself for the invasive pain that would soon spread throughout his lower body.

What did he do to deserve this?


Kane laid on the bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. He made no sound as Clint put fresh clothes on him. Clint talked sweetly to him as he redressed him but Kane's mind was somewhere else. He felt like that sixteen year old boy once again. He wanted to cry but no more tears came out. He wanted to scream but it felt like there was no air in his lungs. He wanted to fight back but his body was stiff. He felt so helpless. If he couldn't protect himself, how could he protect his baby?

"Ya' lil rules are ova'. I'll do what I want ta' ya' when I want ta'. Da' sooner ya' accept da' fact dat I'm not lettin' ya' go, da' sooner you'll be happy." He stroked Kane's face lovingly.

Still no response from Kane. He smirked to himself, maybe that's what Kane needed all along. A little discipline and a little reminder of the power he didn't have.

Clint grabbed Kane's hand and removed the ring from his finger, putting it in his pocket. He grabbed the velvet box from the nightstand and took out the ring. He placed the ring on Kane's finger.

"If I see it off ya' finger once, you'll regret it. Do ya' understand?" When he saw he wasn't getting a response from Kane, he kissed the ring on his finger, "Glad we got an understandin'."

He stood up from the bed and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. Kane's eyes never left the wall and he didn't make a sound.


"I'm going to ask you one last time, Hasan!" Arthur gripped his face as he used the stainless steel pliers to yank another tooth out, making Hasan yelp in pain. He had three teeth remaining, "Where is Clint?"

Arthur wasn't one to usually get involved in his son's affairs but this was important. Kane was missing and he was pregnant with his granddaughter. Alexander wasn't here to handle it like he always did. Arthur may have put on this facade that he didn't care but he did. His firstborn, the first person to call him dad, the first person to look up to him, was dead. When Ryder broke the news to him and Joy that Alexander was dead, he broke down. Arthur regretted how he treated his son and his conscience would eat at him until the day he died. Although he didn't like Kane, he didn't want anything to happen to him or his grandchild. When Ryder told him Clint was behind Alexander's death, Arthur kidnapped the first person he could think of that had connections to Clint. Hasan.

"Okay I'll tell you! He's hiding out in a safe house in Hawaii." Hasan breathed out.

Arthur looked to Ryder for confirmation. Ryder was still using Kane's ring to find their location.

"They are in Hawaii but we're having the same problems from yesterday. Clint has set up some type of signal tapper that projects his location to over a hundred different locations across Hawaii at the same time. Any of them could be his real location, this would take hours, possibly days, to configure." Ryder answered hopelessly.

"Fuck!" Arthur ran his hands through his messy hair, "We don't have days, Lord knows what he's doing to Kane right now! We don't even know what he wants with Kane!"

He grabbed Hasan's face, "You're sitting here looking like a damn Jack O'Lantern and still trying to withhold information! You better give my the location of that safe house or I'm going to cut your tongue out and make you swallow it."

"If I take you to the safe house, will you let me live?" Hasan suggested.

"Sure." Arthur lied, wanting nothing more than to gut him alive.

"I'll take you." Hasan sighed in relief.

Arthur smirked, "Get the jet ready. You and your boss shouldn't have fucked with my family."


It's short but imma make the next chapter longer.

How this update go?


Should Kane have just taken the ring off?

Do you think it's just a ring?

Arthur is now involved.😗

Do you think they'll find Kane?

Hmph, we'll see.

Love y'all ❤️

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