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Chapter VIII

*~Mature scenes ahead~*

Arctic Monkeys:Do I wanna know?

The castle was thrown into a frenzy, students were running around gathering sleeping bags and teachers were searching the Gryffindor Common Room, but I only had one thought, Harry. Through the scurry of people I searched for him, I felt frustration grow as faces became blurred, a sharp tug on my sleeve pulled me backwards, face to face with Ron.

"Ron! Where is he?"

"He's in the third-floor toilets, Quinn somethings wrong, he's shaking like a mad man!" Ron's grip tightened on my wrist as he pulled me through the crowds.

"Is he alone?" We pushed open the bathroom door, and there he was, crouched against the wall, his knees pulled into his chest, Hermione uttering calming words.

"Guinevere-" Hermione spoke helplessly. I crouched in front of Harry, my wand clattering to the floor.

"Harry you have to listen to me, you are safe." He looked like he was being strangled, strangled by absolute fear, paralysed his breathing grew heavier. I placed my hands on the sides of his head, applying light pressure, I continued my reassuring words. "Close your eyes, Harry. I want you to picture the Black Lake in summer, the sun on the water, the surface of the lake is completely still." I massaged his temples slowly, feeling his shaking slowly stop, under my breath I quietly muttered Quietet aetherea, sedationem animi, repeatedly until his breathing returned to normal and he opened his startling green eyes.

"What the bloody hell was that," Ron asked breathlessly.

"A panic attack." Hermione spoke effortlessly "But I've never heard of that spell before."

"Something we learnt at the Ministry, it makes interrogating easier, something I don't agree with, makes the individual enter a dream-like state."

"Sounds an awful lot like the Imperius curse." Hermione eyed me accusingly.

"Where do you think they adapted it from? As I said, I don't agree with the Ministry." I turned my attention back to Harry.

"Am I missing something? How do you know about Ministry level spells?"

"Honestly Ron, she's an Auror." Hermione sighed, helping Harry to his feet. Ron's jaw dropped open as he stared at me, I rolled my eyes, yet smiled as Harry grinned.

"Harry, I want you to listen to me very carefully, as long as I'm around, nothing will hurt you, I promise." Surprisingly, he wrapped his arms around me, sinking into me, I hugged him, like the brother I never had. "Come on, let's get you all to the Great Hall."

I watched as they settled into their sleeping bags, I stayed well into the night until McGonagall came to relieve me of my position.

"Professor, how can we trust him? He's dangerous, he's a-"

"Severus, please I have told you, he has my absolute trust." I stopped briefly in my steps, listening to their movements. "I trust you have procured the ingredients for the required potion?"

"Yes, I don't agree with it, not at all."

"Severus, Hogwarts is home to all- Good evening Professor Quinn." Dumbledore peered round the corner.

"Evening Professor. I was just heading to bed, Professor McGonagall is in the Hall now." I kept my composure as I lied.

"Splendid, we were just heading there. Have a plentiful rest, and don't forget to dream." Dumbledore smiled, it was a contrast to the horrible sneer on Severus's face. What on Earth was his problem? Nevertheless, I smiled slightly and when his countenance remained stony, I narrowed my eyes. I was bewildered by the immensity of the castle, and how it seemed to change at night as I found myself standing in a corridor I'd never even seen before.

"Oh for Godric's sake." I huffed, turning around at yet another dead end, "This looks familiar." I pushed open a heavy rusted oak door, instantly becoming shrouded in darkness "Or not." I felt uneasy like I was being watched. I didn't reach for my wand, it was too obvious I instead relied heavily on my wandless magic. There was a creaking behind me, a body overwhelmed me, I steadied myself ready for attack. Their arms were thrown around me, I felt magic stir in my stomach, but they had already thrown me to the wall my head hitting it made me feel dazed, even more so when their hand gripped tight around my throat. Their face came into the sliver of light and my eyes went wide.

"Remus-" I choked, his fingers didn't ease, his grip seemed to become even stronger, "Remus stop!" My cries delved into him and I saw that barbarity in his eyes dissolve.

"Guinevere." His hands reached my cheek, soothing it, it was like he was seeing if I was real.

"Remus what-" Lips met flesh as he suckled on my neck, decorating it with kisses and I became clouded by him, he was the embodiment of pheromones, I couldn't seem to resist him, my hands wound their way to his hair as his lips slipped over mine. The animalism resided in them as they devoured mine, causing them to feel swollen, his teeth sunk into my bottom lip, he groaned at the metallic taste, running his tongue over the wound.

My hips had a mind of their own as they rolled into him, his hands found the expanse of my thigh, pulling them up around his waist his body was the only thing keeping me up.

No other word than magic could describe it, I felt no control over myself, this felt natural, instinctive somewhat like a duty. I'd felt like this before, I'm sure of it. I slowly began to rub my body against his and whimpered when his thumbs pushed into the soft skin of my thighs, our lips in an endless mess. Remus's fingers unbuttoned my trousers the cool air hitting my stomach I rested my head on the wall. Tantalisingly, his fingers toyed with the fabric of my underwear.

"Remus, please," I whined, kissing the spot just below his ear, his whole body shuddered as I did it again.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He uttered softly as his lips apologised to my neck with sweet kisses.

"I know." I sighed as he plunged into me, my breath getting caught in my throat at this forgotten feeling.

"I could never hurt you." Setting a steady rhythm my hips moved in accordance with him, his words should be unsettling I've known him less than a day, but I feel pulled to him. A complete stranger consuming me and I loved it, god his lips felt like comfort and starvation.

His hands ripped me open and pulled me together, his teeth grazed my collar bone and I wondered what it would be like if he sank them into my flesh, to draw blood. Suddenly, his fingers weren't familiar and comfortable, but violent, his speed increased and his thumb rubbed circles over my bud, I clamped my hand over mouth as he searched my body for moans.

My sight began to go fuzzy, I was inebriated and I never wanted to be sober again, curling his fingers upwards my hand didn't suppress my moans. His tongue wrapped around mine as I hollowed myself into his mouth, my legs began to shake and squeeze his waist, my orgasm nearing, that coil on the verge of snapping and with his thumb playing skilfully, the coil snapped and I came undone at his will.

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