Do the dead stay dead?

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Chapter XXIX

Cyndi Lauper: Girls just want to have fun


"Lower your voice!" Fudge flushed dark red from my shouting in Dumbledore's office.

"PARDON ME FOR BEING THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES HOW UTTERLY WRONG THIS IS!" McGonagall raised her eyebrows in a sort of reassuring manner, of course only the women in this place have any sense of right and wrong.

"Auror Quinn, I think it would be wise if you calmed down," Moody advised, his eye whizzing around the room, as my previous mentor I had a level of respect for the man and took his advice. Despite the fact he acted like he had no idea who I was, he kept casting me curious glances, but Moody was a curious man so I deduced it to this.

"Perhaps if you could explain the reasoning of this to me?"

"As you know, the Goblet is a magical contract, Potter cannot and will not be withdrawn from the competition." Harry's first tournament was a few days away and the boy was shaking like a pygmy puff on crack.

"Fine!" Fuck I hated being wrong. "But when he comes out with third-degree burns, you can take him to Mungo's." I prod Fudge in the chest and storm out the office, McGonagall giving me a sly wink as I left. Harry was perched on the steps outside Dumbeldore's office, shooting up he hurried over to me.

"Any luck?"

"I'm sorry Harry. But I promise you'll be safe, especially with me there. I'll fight a dragon if I have to." This brought a small smile to his face and I walked him to his next class.

"How's Snuffles?" I take a moment to understand what he's asked and laughed at Sirius's ridiculous choice of name.

"Snuffles hate confinement, that's for sure. He paces a lot, but I think helping me go over his case is keeping his mind occupied."

"And Lupin?"

"He's sort of been quiet recently. I don't know whether he's stressed about being out of a job or anything. We're sort of just- not talking about it." Harry and I simultaneously run a hand through our hair, only for it to bounce back the exact same way as before. "Don't worry about us. Worry about the tournament. How do you feel?"

"How exactly am I supposed to feel? Quinn, I barely know any proper defensive spells, how-"

"Now, you listen to me." I grab his shoulders and spin him to face me. "You are Harry Potter, you fought a Basilisk for Godric's sake. You turned your first defence teacher to ash and saved Snuffles. I think the dragon should be more scared of you. You're a wizard Harry with immense power, trust me when I tell you that you can do anything." He gave an uneasy smile before we hugged goodbye. Watching him saunter into class I could barely comprehend the pressure he felt, but all I could do was promise to always be there for him.

I look at my watch and Apparate to a small village just outside of Cambridge. Looking around a little, I see Tonks prowling in a pub doorway.

"Not surprised." Wrapping my coat around me, I link my arm through Tonks and we stumble inside the pub, taking a seat right in the centre. "Firewhiskey?" I call to Tonks from the bar and she nods. Being an Auror had massive perks, we were on our assignment and after a couple of 'interviews' with some shifty characters, we learnt that this little pub was the location of frequent meetings of those who took Mrs Coleman's boy, Luke.

"Anything?" Tonks sipped her drink, barely scrunching her nose at the burning.

"Unless you call sitting in a dark corner with a dazzling charm around you suspicious, then nope." I tilt my head to the far corner where four men sat, their backs to the room, with each movement there was a slight glimmer, confirming there was some protective enchantment around them. It was only really noticeable if you focused and were sober, which none of these people were.

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