Trust me

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Chapter II

Yazoo:Only You

Exiting the train, Hogwarts could be seen in the distance and I felt giddy with excitement. Despite my anticipation to get to the castle, I stuck near the three from the compartment, keeping a close eye on them as we advanced towards the carriages. The night air was cold, I pulled my scarf up around my face listening in on pupils conversations, hearing snippets of worry about Sirius Black. Nothing worth noting down or reporting, the weather took a turn for the worse as the rain began to obscure the view of the castle and students were ushered inside carriages. And of course, I'm left without one. I sighed as I rummaged around for an umbrella, only stopping when a carriage came to a halt in front of me, the door opened and it was the same man from before. Practically hurtling myself into the carriage, I ended up in the man's lap.

"I just really like carriages." Godric I really am stupid. I shuffled off him and onto the seat opposite. "So, did the driver have anything to say?" I swiftly changed the subject, undoing the first few buttons of my coat, his eyes lingering on my exposed collar bone.

"Routine apparently. He had no say in their actions whatsoever, Dumbledore will have a word or two to say about that." He grumbled tearing his eyes away from me, I nodded in agreement and filled the carriage with polite conversation on the way to the castle. He was a rather interesting man, half-blood, he didn't turn his nose up at my muggle-born status. He told me about his parents and his time here as a student but seemed to steer clear of anything earlier than his adolescence.

Coming to a halt, the students were directed towards what appeared to be a large Hall. I followed suit, yet keeping an eye on my companion. As they filled onto separate tables, I noticed the four different banners hanging above the tables, perhaps these were the houses I read about.

"It'll all make sense. Come on, we're upfront." The rugged man gently led me by the elbow to the head table where Dumbledore sat, his face eased my anxiety, especially as he welcomed me with a smile and that distinct aroma of lemon sherberts.

"Welcome! I trust you found everything okay? Now, just take a seat anywhere whilst we get started." Dumbledore pointed to the table of staff members, and whilst they all looked pleasant, I stayed close to my new found friend and took a seat next to him as Dumbledore quietened the Hall and began with notices and an odd ceremony with a hat... My friend seemed amused at my bewilderment as I witnessed the hat bounce into life. A few more matters were discussed before Dumbledore turned to our table.

"Welcome! Welcome, to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast." What a way to dampen to mood, Professor Dumbledore proceeded to discuss the nature of the Dementors and why they were necessary this year, causing quite the commotion from a few tables, especially between the middle section of two tables, I saw a blonde-haired boy pester Harry, a grin spread across his face. "Now, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R. J Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck Professor." Applauds erupted from the tables as my now named companion stood and bowed a little, I clapped too as he sat back down I whispered quietly

"It's nice to meet you formally." He bowed his head slightly before turning back to Dumbledore.

"We also have another addition to Hogwarts this year. Coming from Beauxbatons, Miss Guinevere Quinn!" Again, Dumbledore turned in our direction, my cheeks burned as Lupin nudged me upwards, I smiled nervously, my eyes wide as a wolf whistle came from a few of the tables. Merlin save me. "Now, Miss Quinn will be among you students this year, as she trains for her teaching post. I hope you all welcome her and show her the best of Hogwarts." Mortification overcame me as I sank in my seat, taking a big gulp of water.

Predisposition|Remus LupinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora