And we all fall down

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Chapter XXXVI

*Trigger warning- Blood*

Bring me the Horizon: Can you feel my Heart

Red sparks.

Red sparks shot from the centre on the maze, Tonks and I sprung to our feet. The students began to murmur nervously, Hermione casting a glance towards me, panic setting in so thick I could smell it.

"Professor we need to enter the maze now." Dumbledore nodded sagely whilst Fudge continued bumbling on about protocol and rules. The hedges began to part as Tonks and I slowly disappeared.

There had been tracing spells woven into the fabric of the champions clothing to give us some idea of exactly where they were. The deeper we went, the less I felt like myself, they warned us the maze changed people, but they never warned us about the feeling of complete detachment from yourself.

Every corner it felt like we were being watched, Tonks remained close by, her arm stretched out protectively.

"Fleur should be here." We looked up and down the aisle, there was nothing but fog and the distant sounds of shouting. My heart raced at the idea of Harry being alone here, but he always overshadowed any worry I had, bloody Chosen One.

Underfoot, I heard an odd crunching noise, looking down it was a wand.

"Fleur!" Her body was bound by the hedge vines in a horrific matter, strangling the life from her. Tonks knelt beside me. "Reducto." The vines sliced away as we dragged her from the undergrowth. Tonks searched the perimeter as I gave Fleur the once over, stopping as my fingers ran over the slight scorch marks on her jumper.

"What is it?" Tonks asked frantically, she seemed as dubious of the maze as I was.

"Tonks she was stunned. This wasn't the maze." Looking up at her, the fear was unmistakable, the frantic beating of her heart rang through my ears it made my head ache.

"But we would know if it was one of the others. The tracker was also on their wands, we'd know if they fired an offensive spell, Fudge had me do it last night."

"There's someone else in here with us." As if it couldn't get any worse, shouts sounded by close to us, yelling and the hurling of spells. "Get Fleur out of here and wake her up. We need to find out who stunned her."

"Quinn, I can't leave you here."

"Yes, you can." Racing off towards the sounds, I ignored Tonks's protests. The only people who knew how to get into this maze were Dumbledore, Fudge and Moody. Dumbledore was in sight the whole time, Fudge is too stupid to perform the spell, but Mad-Eye. Mad-Eye always had it out for Krum being the prodigy of Igor, maybe it was him. But he wouldn't stoop so low to attack children, if Mad-Eye wanted blood he'd go straight to the source.

The fog began to stir, like it was ushering me forward until it was a full-frontal gale, sweeping everyone along in the maze.

"Are you lost?" My blood turned to ice, his callous voice rumbling through me, turning slowly, there Aiden stood. A dazed look behind his eyes. "I remember you always got lost. Even on the way to class, Quinn you were and are helpless without me."

"You're wasting a lot of oxygen on someone who just wants to kill you."

"Well, I must say after your previous poor attempt I'm not exactly shivering in fear. See, you won't kill me. Because you won't make it out of this maze alive without me."

"I'll take my chances. Expelliarmus!" It hit him square in the shoulder, tumbling backwards, Harry's voice echoed through the maze. My feet carried me towards him before my mind decided what the moral thing to do was. My fingers tightened around my wand instead of Aiden's throat. Harry and Cedric stared at the cup as Aiden's voice came closer.

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