Honey on her lips

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Chapter XXVIII

*~Mature scenes ahead~*

Sleeping At Last: Earth (thought this fit perfectly)

"WELL I'VE NEVER EXACTLY DEALT WITH THIS BEFORE MOONY! HOW WOULD I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Standing in the middle of the field, I could see why Sirius was shouting. I'd be a bit worried too if I saw myself.

Because I was on fire.

Flames coated my body thick like grease, spreading up my arms, but I didn't feel a thing. All I registered was my resentment and damnation of the Ministry to let Harry take part in the Tournament. The more I thought about it, the more the flames grew and the more the two men looked horrified.

Electricity thrilled me, and everything just became a blur of hues and vivid sounds, feeding me. My feet embedded in the soil and it was like I could feel the Earth, pulsating, thrumming as I sparked into life. This ardour made me feel alive like I never had been before, tugging me from the world which I thought I knew, into one where I had complete control. And it made me weep, to see my life now entirely mine, to have the control I had been begging for since adolescence.

My hands tingled and nature seemed to coincide, the surrounding plants wielding to me, bowing themselves respectfully.

"GET YOUR WAND!" Remus commanded to Sirius, yet it was like I wasn't there. It felt as if I were floating outside my body, watching the chaos erupt, a circle of fire surrounding me, cutting me off from Remus. I didn't have a single rational thought except for the idea of murdering Fudge.

"Aguamenti!" They both cast their wands at me, overcome with the surge of their magic, it was closing in around me, crumpling me down until I was captured in a sphere of water like molten glass. With no sense of direction, it was like drifting in midair.

Gasping for air, the only thing was my lungs burning for the surface.

Collapsing to the floor, I coughed violently, choking on the water lodged in my throat. Remus ran to my side, holding my face in his hands. I heaved and gulped in air as if I'd never experienced something so delectable, something so fruitful.

"You are magnificent," Sirius affirmed, dropping to his knees.

"Not the word I'd use." I splutter out the words, trying to control the surging feeling growing. Clenching my eyes shut, the burning was still there, begging for some authority. Remus's hand grasped mine and he felt cold as glass in my scolding hand, gaping up at him I saw the struggle on his face as he fought from pulling his stinging hand away.

It's okay, we're okay. Just let it go.

Peering into his beseeching eyes, the fire began to go out, the temper in my stomach died down until Remus's face wasn't contorted with pain.

"I thought all the Nymphs were hunted down. But you? You're alive and evidently thriving." Sirius gestures to the scorched Earth. Scanning around me the entire field is burnt to a crisp, for miles as far as the eye can see. Everything is scolded. Flattened and dead, with the surging panic and guilt it was accompanied by the taunting wrath.

"No, no, no." Clutching my head in my hands, every synapse sparks and retracts, pulling open my mind to something I'm not ready to understand yet.

"Quinn it's okay. Listen to me, it's fine." Remus tugs my face back to look at him and I can't rid myself of the guilt. Across our bond I can feel him begging me to calm down, flooding me with his own serenity. Sinking my hands into the ground, I clench it between my fingers, feeling the dryness of it, pleading for life. And I will be the one to grant it.

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