What the actual-

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Chapter IV

The Neighbourhood:Sweater Weather

The owlery was a lot cleaner than I had presumed. Hermione offered to show me the way, seeing as I had to send a very confusing letter to my mother, of course just curious about how she may know Trelawney.

"Maybe she met her when we went to those fares when we were younger. They had all kinds of crazy there!" Hermione joked as I tied my letter to Hedwig, Harry kindly let me borrow her and she seemed to take a liking to me, especially after I gave her a few treats.

"Yes, you're probably right." I sighed and despite all the rational explanations I couldn't stop thinking about my mother's past. She never talked about her childhood, or even about her school, or my grandparents for that matter! Jesus, I had to coax out of her just a small fact about my father. And even then it was brief.

"Stop overthinking it. I know that look. Just trust her." But Hermione in my line of work, I do overthink I constantly analyse for danger and when my gut tells me something is wrong I'm usually right.

"So, mind telling me how you're getting to lessons awfully fast?"

"Mind telling me why Professor Lupin is constantly giving you the eye?"

"We're colleagues ."

"And colleagues make sex eyes at each other?" Oh, fuck me.

"I'm too young for him. He's probably after someone more sophisticated."

"See you do think about him! He's not that old you know and anyway I thought mature was your type?"

"Well it is Mione, but he's just so..."


"Close. If I messed it up I'd have to see him every day."

"Why do you think you'll mess it up?"

"Because it's what I'm good at." It was true, I seemed to be inclined to hurt those around me.

"Guinevere, what happened with Aiden, it wasn't your fault," Hermione spoke softly as his name caused a lurching feeling in my chest. A year later and I still can't hear his name without welling up, I turned away from her and looked out over the black lake.

"It really is beautiful. I'm okay." I reassured both Hermione and myself as her arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"You're stronger than you think. Now, come on, you have to get ready for this evening." I looked at her quizzically, what the hell was she on about? "The staff dinner? How is it I know about it and you don't?"

"Hermione no offence, but you're awfully talented at sticking your nose in other people's business."

"You're too kind." Hermione practically blushed. We spoke a little longer, reminiscing on our childhood before heading back to the castle, Hermione informing me unknowingly of her small crush for Ronald Weasley. 


After throwing about half my trunk around the room I finally found my wizarding robes. God, they were beautiful but extremely over the top... and of course, I couldn't put them on myself. I struggled with my zip for about 20 minutes before I was thankfully interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Remus! How are you?" I pushed my frizzy hair out my face, trying to gain some image of sanity.

"Grand. Yourself?"

"Been better, this really is a pleasant surprise, but I have to get to a staff dinner." I hoped I didn't sound rude, yet as I looked him up and down, I noticed he looked extremely well dressed. And the most glaring fact that he was absolutely fuckable-

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