Thank You

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Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this story has finally come to an end!

I started this story forever ago based on a dream I had about running away with Ashton and cuddling with him, and I can't believe it transpired into a crazy story like this.

I'm actually sad this is over. I'm going to miss writing this story, as much as it frustrated me sometimes (well, a good portion of the time). However, I'm really pleased with the outcome, and the feedback I got for it.

But before I publish the epilogue, I just wanted to take a moment to say 'thank you' to some people.

First, I want to thank my wonderful friend, Lydia, because without you, this story never would have came to be. If you wouldn't have jokingly said, "That dream sounds like something you would write," this would have never happened. I give you endless thanks for your love and support even though you don't use wattpad and you don't know that I still do, lol. You continue to inspire me every day.

Next, I need thank I_Love_Lucas_ because you've supported this story for a long time, and you've helped me along the way. You were my first, dare I say it, fan (and wattpad friend) and I'm so blessed that I've gotten to know you better over the course of the past two years!

I also want thank tee-emm because you were one of the first supporters of this story, and one of the people who really motivated me to continue it when I really struggled with it at the very very beginning. Thank you for everything, even though I don't get to talk to you that often! I hope I impressed you with how this book turned out!

And now, on to Brook. I know you deleted your account a few months ago, but oh man, you loved this story more than I ever would have expected. It's crazy that someone as talented as you could manage to love a book by someone like me, haha. I love you lots, girl. Thank you so much for everything you've ever done for me. I miss you so much.

To vintage-ash aka Jess: Thank you for constantly voting and supporting not only this book, but all of my books. You're such a gem and I love you so much!

Thank you lost_in_my_world for being my cheerleader. I can describe you in one word: amazing. Honestly, I'm so flattered that you even like my writing to begin with, and that you enjoy talking to me. It's crazy how alike we are sometimes, haha. It means so much to me that I can always bounce ideas off you, and that you're always so encouraging! Thanks for all your support and love! I love you!

Next, I want to thank alphamazingXX for being so supportive and wonderful. I know you haven't been active in a few months, but I still love you nonetheless. It still blows my mind that you think I'm a great writer, and I'm so blessed that you're in my life. Thank you so much for all your positive comments and love toward me. Love you, my little Aussie! #LukeGirlsForLife

I also want to thank ignrdfangirl because you're completely flawless and so sweet and supportive. Thank you for all your lovely comments and all your support of my books! Love you, Lauren! (You're officially casted as Thalia's best friend, Lauren, by the way.)

I need to take a moment to thank Elle_Jay aka one of my favorite people on Earth. We've been friends for a while now and I'm so happy that I have the privilege to call you my friend. We bounce ideas off each other all the time and I'm so grateful that you've been with me during this book and others. Seriously, you motivated me to finish this with a strong ending. Thank you so much, Ellie, I love you! I seriously don't know what I would do without you!

Another person I need to thank is ClumsyMeggie for being your amazing self all the time. Honestly, words can't describe how amazing you are. You're always there for me to talk to and to inspire me to try to be as amazing as you are, and I hope this story shows that. Thank you for being my stan and my rock. I love you, Meggie!

To jiggelypuff_Irwin - You've been there to help throughout the last part of the book, and I couldn't be more grateful! Thank you so much for all your help and support with writing and just life in general!

Last, but most definitely not least, I want to thank wolfielahey because you're freaking awesome. I love and admire you so much. You'll never understand how much I enjoy talking to you and pissing you off with my stories and vise versa. You're seriously one of the greatest people I've ever met, and I don't know what I would do without you. This story definitely would've been very different if it wasn't for you and my motiviation to frustrate you like you do to me, so thank you for the drive you give me.

And the very last group of people I want to thank is all of you that have ever read this story, whether it was from chapter 1 or chapter 28. You all mean so much to me, and I could never put in words how much I love, appreciate and cherish every single one of you. Thank you for sticking around through all the ups and downs over the past two years during the writing process of this not-so-soon-to-be-thoroughly-edited book! We did it!!

-Rae xxx

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