01. Gotta Get Out

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Thalia's POV

I awake to the sound of glass hitting the floor. I shoot up, my heart racing. It may happen a lot, but it still scares me to death. Dad goes out to the pub and comes home super abusive and drunk. However, on nights like tonight, it's more of an annoyance than frightening.

I race to the kitchen to see my mum hunched over, picking up pieces of glass while my father slurs curses at her. My 11-year-old twin brother and sister come out of their rooms to see the ruckus in the kitchen. Macie's eyes widen as she sees Mum's hands begin to bleed from the shattered glass. I kneel beside her, placing my hand over her bloody one.

"Mum, go clean yourself up and get Macie and Michael to bed. I can handle Dad," I tell her.

She looks at me, tears in her eyes. "Sweetie, bless you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smile and hug her. Dad doesn't even notice she's gone; he thinks I'm her. I just tune him out as I clean up the rest of the glass.

"You were always my least favorite child," Dad says.

I look at him. "Excuse me?"

He glares down at me. I can practically see the alcohol leaking out of his bloodshot eyes. "I've never liked you. Never respectful of me. Ever."

I snort as I stand up. "Look who's talking, asshole!" He won't remember this in the morning.

His jaw clenches. Before he says anything, his hand collides with my nose. I feel warm blood trickle down my nose. My eyes begin to water.

"Oh, are you gonna cry like a little bitch?!" he says. "We don't tolerate little bitches in my house, not anymore!"

I try to grab my dad's arm to lead him to the couch, where he'll fall into his drunken stupor, but he hits me hard in the stomach. It knocks the wind out of me.

He grabs my hair and pulls me close to him. "Leave my house and never come back. I never want to see you again," he whispers in my ear. His breath smells so bad, I nearly vomit on him.

"You can't make me! I live here too. I do a hell of a lot more around here than you, anyways," I snarl, surprised of my own bravery.

He growls and shoves me on the ground. I attempt to get up, but as I try to get on my feet he kicks me in the chest to push me down once more. I try to move his foot off me, but he just pushes more of his weight on my chest. I can't breathe.

My struggle to breathe continues until he falls over, the excess alcohol finally getting to his balance. I hear him groan in pain and chuckle softly, or as much as I can while trying to breathe again. I try to get him up to lead him to the couch again, but he shoves me into the wall behind him, my head hitting dry wall so hard I can't see straight.

He slaps me across the face as hard as he can in his intoxicated state. My hand flies to my cheek, immediately feeling the already swollen skin in the shape of his hand.

"Get out! Get out of my fucking house before I drag your ass out!" he yells in my face.

"Fine," I snarl as tears form in my eyes once more. "I hate it when you're here anyway."

I run back to my room and lay on my bed, shoving my face in my pillow to stifle my loud sobs. I know he's drunk, but is he telling the truth? Does he really want me gone?

I think back to the last time Dad told me he loved me. It was before he lost his job a year ago. He was taking me to school one morning before he went to work the day he was laid off.

He leans over and kisses my forehead.

"Have a good day at school, sweetheart," he says with a wide smile. I hug him and exit the car. I start to walk away when I hear Dad call for me.


I turn around. "Yeah, Dad?"

"I love you, sweetie."

I smile at him. "Love you too, Dad. See you at home."

I walk into school as I hear him drive away, blasting REO Speedwagon.

Since then, he sort of went mad. He started going to pubs with his old work friends. He wouldn't come home for a day or two at some points. When he did, he was never sober or nice. He constantly beat my mum and I, but never the twins. I wouldn't let him get near them.

I never wore makeup until he started leaving visible marks and bruises on my body. They were so prominent, I had to wear so much that I didn't even look like myself anymore.

I feel more tears stain my cheeks as I go to the mirror to see all the bruises on my body. They're all from him. He's right. I don't need to be here anymore. I need to leave.

I grab my school backpack, dumping out my textbooks and such. Not like I'll need them anymore, anyway. I throw some clothes, money, flashlights, a map of Australia, and other necessities in until it's about to burst. I scribble a note to my mother and siblings while trying to stifle my sobs.

Mum, Macie, and Michael,

I've had enough.

I'm so sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I can't live in constant fear of my father coming after us in his drunken rages. Anywhere is better than here for me. Please understand.

I'm not leaving because of any of you. It's Dad. I have no idea where I'm going. All I know is that I don't plan on coming back any time soon. Not until Dad is gone. You can deal with him without me around.

I desperately want to stay, but I can't. Not with him treating us like this. I'll miss you. I love you.


I sneak back to the kitchen to find my father passed out on the couch, snoring louder than a train. I try to hold in my sniffles as I put the note on my Mum's nightstand. I lean over and press a kiss to her forehead. "Goodbye, Mum. I love you," I sob quietly.

I walk into Macie's room and kiss her forehead. She stirs a little, but stays asleep. "I'll miss you, Mace. I love you so much." My sobbing begins to become louder. I race out of her room and dash to Michael's. The faster I get through this, the sooner I can run away and cry for who knows how long.

Michael and I have always been close. This is the most heartbreaking goodbye for me. I kiss his temple. His eyes flutter open. "Thalia? What are you doing?"

I sniffle and try to answer, but words don't come out. I give him a hug and let out a sob.

"I have to leave. I'm sorry, bud. I can't stay here," I tell him. His eyes widen.

"No! Don't leave!" he says. "We need you. I need you."

I shake my head. "Mike, please don't make this any harder. Promise me you'll take care of Mum and Macie."

"Thalia, why?"

I grab him by the shoulders. "Promise me," I whisper-shout.

"I promise. When are you coming home?"

Again, I shake my head. "I dunno. Not for a while."

He hugs me tightly. I ruffle his hair as I let go of him, starting to sob hysterically. "Goodbye, Mike. I love you."

He wipes a tear from his eye. "Love you too, Thalia. Come home soon."

I nod my head and walk out of my home. I walk straight ahead, not knowing where I'm going. At this point, anywhere is better than here.

Hello there! So this is the beginning of my Ashton fic. Sorry if this is sloppy, my mind is kind of all over the place right now. I understand that it's pretty short, but there really isn't much else to tell here. Future chapters WILL be longer! Let me know what you think!

-Rae xxx

PS - Thalia is at the top!

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