11. Count on Me

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Thalia's POV

"How far away are we?" I ask impatiently. "I'm so tired."

Ashton puts a hand on my shoulder, giving me goosebumps in the summer heat. "We're about a kilo away, I promise. He always hangs out on the ourskirts of town. It won't be hard to find him."

I nod and continue to walk along side him. "So who is this 'friend' of yours?"

"I can't say his name," he replies. "It's too risky. If I divulged it and someone heard, there's a chance that he could get killed for helping us--well, mostly me. He'll introduce himself."

My eyes widen. "Why would he get hurt for helping us?"

He starts to walk faster, making me have to jog to keep up. I sigh in frustration. Why can't he stop being so mysterious all the time. How am I supposed to help him if he shuts me out?

"Come on, Ash," I press. "Answer this question, please."

"Fine," he mumbles as he slows down. "If anyone in Stone Skull found out he was helping us, they would kill him. We're kind of fugitives, in their eyes."


"Because Hammond tried to kill you but I saved you!" he replies. "If any of them find us, especially him, we're dead meat. Anyone who is caught helping us will die as well."

I feel my body start to shake. "Can't they just give up? I don't want to hurt them, Ashton. I didn't intend to do anything with them."

He stops. "Don't you get it, Thalia? It doesn't matter!"

I inhale sharply and wait for him to continue.

"Since they didn't get to do what they wanted, they're going to do everything they can to make sure they find you. Everything."

"Ash, but that means they'll come after you, too," I say. "I've given you a death sentence."

He nods. "I'm well aware of that, believe me. That's why we have to stick together, Thal. We're saving each other."

I'm saving you more, I think to myself. At least, I'm trying to.

Staying silent, I follow him past the city sign. I can't help but smile as I see cars zoom by us, the radio loud. I never thought I would miss civilization like this, but I do. Perth was a grand city, so this is what I was around on a daily basis. It took me this long to realize how accustomed I was to that kind of surroundings.

As we start to approach a large building, I see a figure in the distance. The person is in all black, and I feel the chills run through my body. I turn to Ashton.

"Please tell me that the person over there is your friend," I mumble.

He smiles, keeping his eyes on the person, who I'm pretty sure is a boy. 

"That's him," he replies. I see the light in his eyes. This is the side of Ashton that I wish I could see more often; the side that I need to bring out.

Getting closer, I'm taken aback by how tall he looks. He's definitely taller than Ashton, so extremely gigantic compared to me. He's skinny, too.

When Ashton and I are about a meter away from him, the boy drops the hood of his jacket. Before I can think anything about how hot he must be in all of his black clothing, I'm taken aback by his hair color.


"Great to see you," Ashton pipes as he hugs the boy. It's hilarious to see how tan he is compared to his friend. The hair makes him look as white as paper.

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