08. Ready to Run

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Thalia's POV

"You two are so cute," Gloria says to me as she pulls me toward a table full of desserts. I look back to see Ashton frozen in the same spot he was moments ago.

I lick my slightly swollen lips and grab a cookie.

"Yeah," I tell her. "Too bad we aren't together."

She looks at me puzzled. "Really? You seem like you are!"

I laugh as I think back through the ups and downs we've had together in the past day alone. If we seem like a real couple, how bad of a couple are we, then?

"We aren't," I say. "I promise."

I grab a cup to pour some punch for Ashton. As I pour the red liquid from the pitcher, someone bumps into me, causing it to spill all over the table and a bit on myself.

I turn around to give the perpetrator a piece of my mind, but stop dead in my tracks when I see the cold, dark eyes looking back at me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," he mocks with a grin as he walks away.

Ashton walks over to me to help clean up the mess I accidentally made.

"It's the guy from the gas station, isn't it?" He asks as he hands me a festive napkin to wipe my hands.

I stay silent as I clean myself off.

"The same person who's been looking at us funny all night? The one in all black with... Oh no," he says suddenly.

I stand up. "What is it?"

"Tally," he says as he grabs my shoulders. "He's one of them."

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and a shiver runs through my spine.

"What do we do?" I ask him stupidly.

"The thing we know how to do best: run," he replies as we rush toward the door.

We're about to race out the door when a voice stops us.

"Why so soon?" Gloria asks us. All heads turn to us.

"Shit," I hear Ashton curse under his breath.

"We, uh, need to get going," I told the group of people.

"Sorry, everyone," Ashton says, adding an apologetic smile. "We've a big day tomorrow, so I want this girl to rest up a bit!"

He throws his arms around me and kisses my temple, making my face turn red. Gloria walks to us and takes me in a hug.

"You're definitely a couple," she whispers in my ear. When she pulls away, she kisses my cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Christine."

She hugs Ashton, her petite stature looking even smaller in his embrace. He leans down to listen to something she says, and his eyes widen. He nods quickly.

She releases him and kisses his jaw. "Merry Christmas, Fletcher."

"Merry Christmas," we tell her. We say one last goodbye to the townsfolk and rush out of the city hall.

"I was actually having a good time," Ashton whines as we speed walk down the corridor to exit the building.

"Me too," I agree. "Not to mention that we had a little action in there."

I punch his arm lightly as I chuckle, and his expression is dark and cold when he turns to me. His mood swings never fail to confuse me.

As we approach the door, I see silhouettes on the other side, trying to hide from our line of sight.

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