04. Unpredictable

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This is dedicated to @AdorableStyles01 because she's a sweetheart and likes this book. Thank you, babe! <3

Thalia's POV

We walk out of the alleys, leading us to another part of Southern Cross, hopefully far away from those assholes that call themselves a gang. We're silent until we see the sign that leads us out of the town.

He stops in his tracks along a road that we're walking by. "I just realized I didn't properly introduce myself!" he says. "I'm Ashton Irwin."

I shake his outstretched hand quite formally. "Thalia Moore," I say. His bushy eyebrows knit together in what seems to be confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him as we start to walk again.

"No," he replies. "I just thought I heard you tell Shawna that your name was Christine last night."

"Oh," I say. "You were awake for that?"

He nods. "Couldn't sleep. I'm glad I didn't though, or God knows what would've happened to you."

A shudder rushes up my spine as I think about Hammond nearly slicing my throat. Goosebumps form on my arms, even though it isn't that cold outside. A cold sweat starts to form at my hairline.

"Hey, don't worry about it," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. The gesture makes me think of Calum, which makes the goosebumps more prominent. "As long as you're with me, you're safe."

"Yeah," I let out. "Thanks for saving me earlier. I owe you one."

He chuckles. "You don't owe me anything," he says.

"No, seriously," I say. "You saved my life! That's something I have to repay you for, Ashton!"

"It's fine, really," he insists. "I know what they're capable of. You need to stay safe if you're going to make it to Sydney."

"How do you know what they can do?" I ask him. He stiffens a bit at my question.

"I've had run-ins with them before. End of story." His face darkens.

I look away from him as we continue to walk, afraid to make another comment. Why did he turn so hostile? Did they nearly kill him?

"Well tell me a little bit about you, then," I say a few minutes later. "Like, where are you from? Do you have family?"

He nods as a car passes by. "Yeah, I have a mum and a little brother and sister. Well, had. I lived in Geraldton until I was 17. I didn't know where to go or what to do, but I guess it looks like I'm going to Sydney."

I cock my head to the side. "You're staying with me?"

He nods. "I've been living on the streets for two years. You need me. Besides, I don't think I'll survive either if I don't have someone else. So this is a win-win for both of us."

I shrug, agreeing that it isn't a bad idea. We'll be like Katniss and Peeta. Fighting off all the bad guys, keeping each other out of danger. Hopefully this would go better than Calum.

I sigh at the thought of him crossing my mind. It's been two weeks, I need to get over it. I know that I thought there was something there, but I obviously missed something.

We walk for hours, only stopping at the occasional gas station to get some water and a little bit of food with some money I have.

He takes a bite into his hot dog. He moans at the taste.

"God," he moans. "I haven't had a good ol' wiener in years."

I laugh at his choice of words. He chuckles a bit and devours the rest of his hot dog as I eat my taquito. I savored times like this when Ashton's sense of humour overpowered his slight hostility. I'm sure he was the class clown in his school back home.

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