30. Love You Goodbye

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Ashton's POV

Calum and I make eye contact as I stand beside him once again, and that's when I know that we did the right thing.

Judging by the look on Annalise's face, I also know that we all know what's coming next. Calum and I are not going to see the Sun for a long time.

Judge Carter walks to Annalise and whispers something in her ear. I can't help but notice the look in her eyes as she speaks, which appears to be surprise. It makes sense, since no one knew what was going to happen, but I guess I never noticed that people in these positions are truly...people.

Annalise turns to face Thalia, Luke, and her family once again. Her eyes are solemn and stern, as if she is unfazed by what just occurred, but I know differently.

When I see the Moore-Hemmings family, who are almost coordinating in their dark sophisticated outfits, it seems almost impossible that they were once so dysfunctional. Henry cleaned himself up well; they look picture perfect.

Suddenly, Thalia and I make eye contact. Her bright eyes still make my heart jump. Her eyebrows furrow at me, and I know she's figured something out.

"You knew they were going to confess, didn't you?" she asks Annalise accusingly, her body not moving an inch. I force myself to look away from her, even though it may be one of the last times I can freely do so. I can't bear to see the disappointment etched on her beautiful face.

Before she can ask any further questions, Luke whispers something and grabs her arm, escorting her out of the room. Annalise stands and motions for Cal and me to follow. My stomach is in more knots than it was when I was testifying, believe it or not.

Annalise leads us to an empty corridor that barely fits all of us comfortably. Luke stands behind Thalia with his hands placed protectively on her shoulders, while Calum and I stand on both sides of her, my arm brushing hers ever so slightly.

"You don't even know how difficult my job is," Annalise says with a bitter laugh as she moves her eyes above Thalia from me to Calum. Thalia's family watches Annalise, confusion written on their faces, as she speaks again. "I did everything I could to ensure that they would get off scott-free. Everything. It was an easy case. The deal was done. Between your testimonies and the lack of evidence, they would be fine.

"But suddenly, the boys had morals."

I feel myself tense. "I couldn't help it," I say through gritted teeth, my body stiffening with nervousness. "Everything I did when I was with them was wrong. The entire group, itself, is wrong. Somebody has to do something about it."

Three years ago, I never thought I would have ended up here. Well, that's a lie. Prison was my endgame, and I truly believe that with all my heart.

However, testifying against the very group that took me in and gave me all the power in the western half of Australia was not the plan, but I know how I ended up here.

I'm looking at her right now. Her bright blue, almost silver eyes are wide with confusion and fear, her face pale as ever with those rosy cheeks. That face is my endgame.

"That didn't have to be you," Thalia tells me as she grips my shoulders to face me. "You're going to be put in prison, do you realize this? Do you know what you two have done to yourselves? You will never see the outside of a cell as long as you're alive! Do you want that for yourselves?"

"It's better than knowing they're still out there, wanting to find us and kill us," Calum interjects. His eyes are cast down at the patterns on the floor, hands laced together in front of him. "In there, we're safe, and Stone Skull could potentially die down once they realize that they aren't invincible. It was a long process to decide, but eventually, the four of us agreed it was for the best."

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