23. Dark Side

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A/N: I'm so sorry that it's been over two months since I last updated. I, again, lost motivation and ideas, but I'm here to stay and will finish this as soon as possible! Stay tuned!

How I picture Lucas in this book (and because it's my favorite fetus gif)^^^

Thalia's POV

"Tell them that they need to give us one hundred thousand, or we'll give them her head in return."

The Leader laughs coldly before I hear footsteps fade away from the cell I share with Luke. Goosebumps cover my body after he's gone, and I can feel my teeth beginning to chatter. My hands shake furiously as the words process in my head. They're ready and willing to kill me at a moment's notice.

"Thalia?" asks a voice as I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Thalia, are you okay?"

Tears brim my eyes as I turn toward Luke. With a swallow, my eyes avert to Ashton. He's slumped over, crouched on the ground with his head on his knees. His long hair is brushing the asphalt lightly like a feather. In the deafening silence of the room, I can hear his sniffles.

Blinking rapidly, I turn back to Luke. His blue eyes, almost identical to mine, seem to shine innocently in the darkness.

"I'll be alright," I reply. "I just need to talk to Ashton, or Calum, or anyone who can get us out."

Luke's eyes narrow. "Did you just hear yourself?" he asks incredulously. "Alex just threatened to put your head on a damn platter! Why are you so calm?"

Trust me, I say to myself, I'm not.

"Don't be fooled," I tell him. "All we can do is find a way out, or hope and pray this ransom is paid." My eyes flick between the two boys, both reminding me of the situation I'm in. How can good people get caught up in deadly and horrible things like this?

Then, I think back to the conversations Ashton and I have had about his life before we met. Sex, drugs, and other things he refused to tell me. What if... what if there's something darker than what I first thought?

What about Calum, then? If they already knew each other, how so? And Michael? How are they all connected?

"How much is the ransom for?" Luke asks, causing me to shrug. Unfortunately, there are many questions that must be answered before something happens, but I have no idea if that'll happen.

"Thalia," Ashton grunts as he stands up again. Wiping his eyes, I can hear his footsteps coming closer to me. His hand rests on the bar of the door trapping us inside as he looks in at me and Luke. "I never wanted this to happen," he says. "I wanted to get to Sydney, to safety from all of this. I wanted to start over with you."

I nod. "I know you did," I say. "Too many things have kept that from happening, though. It's like we were brought together by fate, but now we're being ripped apart and brought back together time and time again. How are we supposed to change that?"

He reaches in the cell slowly and grabs my hand. I feel my heart race as our skin makes contact, and my eyes start to fill with tears. This may be the last time I ever feel his warm touch.

"We've been through a lot in the past few months," he begins. "Maybe that's how it was supposed to be, though. Maybe, just maybe, this is a way to show that we can make it through anything. These are the trials of our relationship. It's like we're in the eye of the hurricane, and each time we're torn down, we get right back up and carry on."

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