15. Family Portrait

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Thalia's POV

"Ugh," I groan, leaning on Ashton's sweaty shoulder. "I thought Adelaide was a week away, not two!"

Ashton sighs, pushing me off him. "Yeah, well, we don't move fast to begin with. Especially when it's hot as balls outside. Besides, we're close. Can't you smell the car engines?"

Inhaling, I take in the faint scent of true civilization. I've wanted to visit this city since I was a child. My dad and I had actually planned on going right before he lost his job. It was one of the many things I had to forget about after that, as well as knowing what a sober father was like.

"Finally," I mumble as I run a hand through my extremely greasy hair. "A place to call home for a little while."

"I wish," Ashton replies quietly. "Remember last time we stayed in a city overnight?"

Sighing, I nod. Being chased by the whole country and a blood-thirsty gang wasn't something I enjoyed doing in the middle of the night.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask warily. "Sleep in another sewer?"

He turns to me, and I notice how vulnerable he truly looks. The intimidating boy I met months ago is nearly gone. In his place stands a skinny 19 year old who looks like he could break any second. I've never seen anyone so fragile and emotionally naked in front of me.

The scarier part is, I can tell how exhausted he is. Unfortunately, he's being stubborn and refuses to admit it. The bags under his eyes haven't gone away since we left Port Augusta and Michael behind. Everything about him looks more haggard and groggy, even his eyes look tired and darker.

His hazel eyes shine a little bit brighter than usual as he laughs at my comment. When he smiles, I can't help but do the same. I've missed that smile a lot more than I thought I did.

"That will definitely not be happening," he replies with a short chuckle. "The last thing I wanna do is risk my life so you don't get bit by a snake again."

Cringing at the memory, I grab the hem of my tattered t-shirt and harshly rub the sweat off my forehead. For being the end of February, it's hotter than usual.

"So what do you propose, Ashton?" I ask. "You're kind of leading the way, after all."

A smug glint appears in his eyes, which makes me scoff in mock disapproval. The boy is too cocky sometimes, but it makes me laugh. God knows we need all the laughter we can find right now.

"Since I'm in charge," he says with an edge of sass, "I say that we just get a bit of food and wash our clothes."

I nod. "What about sleeping?"

He shrugs. "It depends on how much you annoy me by begging to sleep in a shaded area."

Rolling my eyes, I let out a soft chuckle. "Whatever."

Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, we continue walking towards the urban city. Eventually, we find ourselves next to a highway that leads into the center of Adelaide. Excitement bubbles in my stomach as I grip Ashton's hand tightly.

"You alright?" he asks with a small chuckle as he gives my hand a slight squeeze. "You're really jittery."

I shrug. "I'm just really excited about being around life again, which is rare. I actually hate the general public, so this is really weird."

"Same here," Ash agrees. "But I suppose it's a nice change."

Jumping up and down slightly, a girly giggle escapes my lips. I stop immediately when I notice how childish I'm acting. Yet again, it feel good to genuinely be excited and happy about something.

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