13. Through The Dark

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Thalia's POV

"They're coming for us," Ashton tells me. I dunno how his voice is so steady, but he doesn't seem phased.

However, I immediately become a nervous wreck.

"What are we going to do?" I ask, my eyes becoming wide.

"What we do best," he replies nonchalantly as he picks up my rucksack and hands it to me. "Run."

Instantly, we start to dash into the wave of trees ahead of us. Who knew that Australia had so much wilderness?

A few minutes later, I start to slow down. My legs are too tired to keep running for my life, and I'm pretty sure we lost them.

Ashton grabs my hand and drags me along at his pace.

"I think we lost them, Ash," I tell him.

"Don't be too sure," he replies shortly. "They can practically appear out of thin air."

Huffing a sigh, I wriggle out of his grip and walk at my own pace. It's too early in the morning for this bullshit. Can't they just come after us when I actually have to be awake?

I can't help but laugh at my own thought. A few months ago, this was the last thing I had to worry about. Now, I spend every moment of my life afraid. Sydney can't be any farther away.

"Ash!" I whisper. "We're fine, okay?"

He stays silent, pulling me closer to him as he continues forward at the same pace he's stayed at since we left our tree. God, he's so damn stubborn.

He's doing this for your own good, I chide myself. Listen to him once in a while.

"We'll stop again soon," he mumbles. I feel his hand on the small of my back. "It's not right to have to keep running every time we think we're safe."

I nod, pressing myself closer to him in the strangely cool air. "You're telling me. I didn't sign up for this life when I left."

It becomes eerily silent between us, the only sound being our feet on the ground as we continue to walk out of harm's way.

"Alright," Ash whispers after what seems like an eternity. "I think we can stop now."

Sighing of relief, I slump down to the ground, my eyelids immediately becoming heavy. After the great sleep I had the night before, I never wanted to go back to this. All I want now is for these bitches in the gang to leave me alone, for Ash and I to be in Sydney with Michael with us, and to punch Calum Hood in the balls.

Well, maybe I should hold off on the last one, since he gave us food.

Just as my eyes close for the night and I start to doze, I hear Ashton grunt.

"Thalia, watch out!"

My eyes open immediately as I shoot up, somehow ending up on my feet. It's still strange how much of a badass I've become in the past few months.

"Leave me alone!" I whine. "Can't a girl get her damn beauty sleep?!"

"Not as long as we're around," a voice hisses in the darkness.

 I roll my eyes. "You're lucky I'm not fully awake, or I would kick you ass so hard, you--"

"Thalia!" Ashton groans. "Take him out while I handle these bastards."

I shrug, a lazy grin pulling at the corners of my lips. "Don't mind if I do."

I lunge at my attacker, and I end up catching air in my arms. The one time I need light, it's probably two in the morning.

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