10. I Can't Explain

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Thalia's POV

"Thalia?" Ashton asks me as he taps my shoulder.

I shake my head slightly and meet his eyes. "Yeah? Sorry. I just forgot I had that flower in my hair. Must have picked it up somewhere and never noticed."

He nods. "So are you ready to go? I know a great place about 20 kilometers from here, they have the best food in their garbage."

"Garbage?" I ask with a gasp. "You're not suggesting that we go dumpster diving, are you?"

Ashton's laugh echoes through the small alley, and I cover his mouth quickly. We're never sure if we're being followed. One noise could blow our cover completely.

"I've done it before," he says, my hand still covering his mouth. "It's not a big deal. Although, there was one time when I had to fight a raccoon for a loaf of bread, but--"

"Ash!" I say, interrupting him. I remove my hand from his mouth. "Let me take the lead."

He smirks. "Like being in control, do you?"

I snort. "In what way?"

"Oh God, Thalia," he says, pretending to gag. "That's gross."

I cock my head to the side. "Is somebody a bit of a prude?"

"Please," Ashton scoffs. "I've had my fair share of sex in the middle of nowhere. You reek of someone who would enjoy that, too."

I cover my mouth with a hand. "How dare you!" I laugh.

"You didn't deny it," he says with a smirk. I don't respond, I just roll my eyes and take a couple steps away from him.

"We should get going," I order. "You never know what's gonna happen if we stay somewhere for too long."

I step out into the January sun, and I nearly go blind. According to the papers, it's supposed to be the hottest week of the season. If I would've been at home, I would've been at one of my friends' houses in their pools, or sitting in my room listening to some Queen or Green Day. It would be nice in my house, as long as no bugs or snakes were in the house.

I smile as I think about my friends and family. All the laughs with them, all the good times, and even the bad.

Then, I think of my father.

All the bruises, the hurtful words. They'll never go away, but I can stop them from ever happening again. At least, I hope.

I just worry about the rest of my family. I pray all the time that they're alright. I've been gone three months, so maybe they've finally stopped searching for me.

Ash and I walk toward a building, and I see the purple flowers that Calum talked about.

"This way," I say to Ashton as I point in that general direction. "Come on."

He doesn't question me, and eagerly follows. I can hear the rumbling from both of our stomachs. We haven't had a proper amount of food in about two weeks, and it was beginning to show.

I look at my companion, and take in how he's changed since we met. His hair has gotten much longer and less kept, while his bony frame has become thinner. The bags under his eyes are about as dark as the black eye he sported after our little run-in on Christmas Day. His cheeks are starting to become hollow.

Every once in a while, I would hear him whimper as he winces, but he always says he's just fine.

About two hours later, my vision starts to become blurred. I feel my legs fall from under me, and I fall to the ground.

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