14. Pretending

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Thalia's POV

As I walk in silence, I feel utterly peaceful. I have no sense of fear or worry to hold me back from the relaxation I desperately need. A few minutes to clear my head by looking at the sunrise is all I need.

Ever since I heard Ashton's confession to me when he thought I was sleeping, I've been doing this. For the past week or so, I've lost track of the days since Christmas, I've ran off to be alone for a while. The main reason for this is to be able to have some alone time. When Ashton's awake, we're always moving and together.

"Ashton..." I mumble as I shut my eyes, letting the sun hit my face. Lately, the angry sun has been turning us to crisps, but there isn't much we can do about it. In the middle of an Australian summer, it's bound to happen.

Laying my head down on the damp, dewey grass, I take a deep breath. Having time to myself makes me think about everything. Everything meaning my family, friends, and... Ashton.

I honestly can't figure out how I feel about him. We spend so much time together, and I've seen more of him than I ever planned on, but I still feel like I barely know him. If I barely know someone, I can't love them.

The real question I have is: Why does he love me?

I hold my hands in the air above my face, examining them. They're covered in bruises and cuts, as well as the rest of my body. How can he love me for that?

Sitting up, I think about Ashton some more. Usually, when I'm stressed over someone, I think about everything I've learned about them.

"Ashton Irwin is nineteen years old," I begin as I stand once again. "He's from Geraldton, Australia. He has a brother and sister named Harry and Lauren. His dad left when he was young. His mum, Anne-Marie, married Caspar's dad. After they divorced, Ashton got into bad stuff. Drugs, sex, alcohol, more things that he won't tell me. Stone Skull obviously wants him, and I think he knows."

A shiver runs up my spine. He does know, doesn't he? That's why he said 'I'm sorry' when he told me that he loved me that night.

What the hell did he do to them?

In the distance, I can see Ashton's tall figure laying down with his head on my jacket. He's out like a light.

When I reach him, I notice how innocent he looks. Sleeping, he looks like a 17 year old that hasn't learned how cruel the world is. Unfortunately, Ashton Irwin is not that naïve anymore.

"Ash," I whisper as I run a hand through his hair. "We should probably get going."

Groggily, he opens his eyes. "Do we have to?"

His childish comment makes me chuckle. "Yes, if you ever want to live in an actual house or building with indoor plumbing and air conditioning. Sorry, babe."

Babe?! I yell at myself. What the hell, Thalia?

He stretches and smiles lightly at me. "I wish this would all be over, you know? I'm tired of living on the streets."

"I would be, too," I tell him. "It's been two years, Ash."

Standing up, he tosses my jacket into my rucksack before walking away from me. What did I do now?

"Here we go again," I say, loud enough so he can hear me as I roll my eyes.

Ashton turns around. "What did you say to me?"

"Every time I make even a small reference about your past life, you freak out! I thought we weren't going to keep things from each other anymore, Ashton!" I exclaim.

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