29. Confessions

40 5 5

Thalia's POV

Ashton doesn't take his eyes off me as the audience begins to murmur in hushed tones. I can feel my mouth fall open as I find myself mouthing, "What are you doing?"

Ashton swallows and shakes his head slightly as his hands grip the edge of the desk. His knuckles turn white from the pressure.

"Quiet!" Judge Carter calls out as she slams her gavel. "Let Mr. Irwin speak!"

I can see his knees shaking slightly, and I feel like I know what's about to happen. I don't want to think that it's a possibility. I'm tempted to tell Ashton to sit down and retract his statement, or at least ask Annalise to do so.

Wait, Annalise! Why isn't she saying anything? My eyes shift to her, and she is stretching slightly, whispering into Calum's right ear. He is nodding quickly, his right leg bouncing up and down nervously as he drums his fingers on the desk beside where Ashton's left hand is resting.

"I'm positive," I believe is what Calum says to her as I see him take a deep breath.

"Calum Hood and I have some things we need to say," Ashton announces as he glances down to his friend. I watch Ashton raise his eyebrows, to which Calum nods hesitantly. My jaw clenches to the point where I can feel the muscles spasming.

"Mrs. Braddock, are you allowing this?" Judge Carter asks curiously are her eyebrows scrunch. Clearly, she cannot hide her composure at the moment, but who can? Even the prosecutor looks confused.

"Yes, Your Honor," Annalise breathes as she stands. She glances at Calum, who gives her one last nod.

Judge Carter nods. "First, do you have any further questions for your witness?" she asks as I feel her eyes on me. Everyone's eyes are on me, actually.

"No, Your Honor," Annalise replies simply, pursing her lips when she finishes the sentence. "No further questions."

I am dismissed to go back to my seat beside Luke. As I walk across the empty floor, my eyes lock with Calum's. My throat almost seems to close up as his solemn eyes gaze into my soul.

I don't say anything as I approach him, but he catches my arm and grips it firmly for a moment. Before I have time to look back, the air around it is cool again.

My seat beside Luke is just as cold against my legs as I sit. His hand rests against my knee protectively as my hand touches where Calum's was. It might be the last time he ever touches me.

Calum stands and approaches the stand first. His gray suit, well, suits him. If I didn't know him, I would never assume he led the life he does. Then again, I didn't to begin with.

"On behalf of Ashton Irwin and myself, we would like to bring some new evidence into light," Calum begins, his voice obviously shaky. "It's not about this case, though. It's about the people responsible for getting us into this mess in the first place."

My mouth is slightly agape as I realize that my suspicions were right: they're going to throw Stone Skull under the bus.

But why? Could it reduce their sentences? Could it make prison easier? Could they get off without a sentence?

"Stone Skull has been alive and well in Western Australia for a few years now," he continues. "From my understanding, it began as a drug trafficking group, but it wasn't that way when I joined.

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