Part 29: Love Notes

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I visited Bea and Anita this morning, and then decided to do some running around in Diagon Alley.

When I saw Pinch- I couldn't help myself. I always thought Elf Owls were the cutest of them all, but mother and father alway only bought Tawny Owls.

The fact that Pinch is the size of my palm makes him all the more perfect.

After purchasing him, and a few other necessary items, I aparate back to Hermione's home and begin to set up my perfect wooing plan. Conjuring hundreds of flowers using Orchideous, I arrange them around her home to make the whole scene look perfect. With beautiful fragrant candles floating and turning her high vaulted ceiling into a starry galaxy, I decide that it would be even more special if I hand cooked a meal for her...even though I am terrible at cooking. My best dish was the eggs I made that morning Hermione forgave me. Sure, I cook for Bea sometimes, but most of that I do with magic when she isn't paying attention.

I want this to be special for Hermione.

As I'm searching through her cupboards, I hear this piano begin to play and looking around, I can't find the source. I search the kitchen and the living room, the den, the bathroom downstairs and still I hear it. Following the noise upstairs, I hear it getting louder from the bedroom. Walking in, I find Hermione's Muggle device playing a beautiful piece of music. Picking it up, I examine it and notice that the screen has a picture of Ginny on it.

"Slide?" Hmm. Sliding my finger across the screen, I suddenly hear Ginny on the other side of the phone and honestly- this is cooler than magic.

"It's about time you've answered!! Where the Hell have you been? I've been trying to get the scoop on you and Malfoy all day! You both just disappeared last night- didn't even say goodbye to me and Luna- and don't even have the courtesy to call your best friend to tell me if you two finally shagged or not?! Fucking rude, Hermione! You realize I had to listen to fucking Ron bitch and complain about Draco breaking his nose as well as him bitching about having to take care of a baby? Lavender has been raving about Draco- which has also pissed my dumbarse brother off and- on top of everything else- I now have Harry getting on my arse about if you two start hanging out- does that mean that he and Draco have to hang out without us to make him feel apart of the gang. Though I told him to wait and see- cause who knows if Draco would even want to hang out with Harry considering everything- I think it would at least a decent idea considering the huge strides Malfoy has made to becoming an actual decent human being and you better be nice to him and cut him some slack considering the shitty life he had growing up and....Hermione, are you even listening? You could acknowledge the conversation and jump in you know!" Who could get a word in edgewise?

"Actually...Ginny- Hermione left this...thing here. She's at work- but I could leave her your message." I snidely say- a bit interested to hear the rest of her thoughts about me and my upbringing.

"Shit....Draco...I wish I would've waited for you to say something before prattling on." Her voice is full of chagrined and frankly, I feel it too.

"Although you bring up several interesting points, Potterette, I feel less inclined to comment on more than half the topics presented." Leaning against the bureau, I cross my one arm under the other and hold the device to my ear. It kind of pisses me off- to be honest. It makes me feel like this whole this has been a sham.

"Draco...I honestly don't mean anything bad by what I said..."

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask quietly as I interrupt her and her line goes quiet.

"Sure, Draco." She hesitates.

"Is Hermione only doing this because you all feel bad?

"What? What do you mean?"

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