Part 20: Five Months Later

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It started out as just an every other week kind of topic.

Morte Regno.

Death's Kingdom.

We all thought that we could stop them early- with help from Draco's intel that is.

But we never received intel.

At first I chalked it up to him needing time to find the group and infiltrate it.

Yet the more days that pass and more weeks and months- I begin to fear that I just gave Draco his freedom to use magic and live without consequences. I mean Hell, I got him a very powerful- very illegal wand to use. Any deaths that happen because of it will be another weight on my already weighted down shoulders.

I was a tad hurt, when he left without saying goodbye. He didn't even give me a second glance- he just took his leave. At first, I thought it was because maybe a goodbye would in turn cause him to stay. Yet as the days turn to months- I realize it was because he never actually cared. He used me. Played me like a fool. Used my corrupt feelings against me.

Five months without contact or any sign that he's alive and cares: that's what I'm left with.

Sitting in my office this morning, looking over the daily reports of Morte's movements: I feel beyond frustrated. We lost four Aurors this passed weekend. France lost eighteen and nine civilians. Synard is getting closer with his men and I'm fearing the worst.

Spain right now has intercepted a small squadron of his. They tried to interrogate them, but the group of them committed mass suicide before they could even be tortured or questioned. Every once in a while, a report will come in about Synard's second in command. A brief sighting of platinum blonde hair and a peculiar wand pops up- causing my heart to break.

Draco Malfoy is Synard Bartoli's right hand man.

I knew he couldn't be trusted.

I knew my hopes of him helping us was just a pipe dream.

"Hermione...we have bad news." Harry says as he enters with Andrew Gray. He and Harry have been partners since Ron's suspension. Harry seems to like Gray a lot and they work ten times better than he and Ron ever had.

"Yes? Please come in and sit." I say and gesture to my chairs in front of my desk. "Tea before we begin?"

"No thank you Miss. Granger." Andrew says politely. The strapping blue eyed man is very handsome and very polite- I've enjoyed our small encounters these passed few months.

"Hermione, we got word that Bartoli and his men have popped up in Oxford." Harry says.

"Any casualties?"

"As of late none, but we have the city of high alert. Dementors have been called in and our most experienced Aurors are out there right now preparing a barricade and battle movements." Harry has not once said I told you so. He's the kind of friend lately that allows my mistakes to be buried.

"And if...his companions?" I ask him cautiously.

"He has a good forty some men- all ethnicities, all ages. His second in command...has been spotted near Yorkshire with at least a dozen or so people. They're quickly headed towards London I'm afraid." My heart snaps hard in my chest and I try so hard to appear composed, but on the inside- I'm dying.

Stay safe in London he said.

Phhhh, he's headed right towards us.

No doubt to kill me himself.

"We need to put out all the stops. We need to stop their movements and get on top of them." I say domineeringly.

"We have as many Aurors flying in from as many nearby countries as we can, but Hermione- there's too many of them. Now no citizens and towns have been bombarded- yet- they seem to be preparing to flank London and save their energy for here- but even with extra Aurors and help- it still won't be enough. They're too strong and well equipped." Leaning back in my seat, I feel as if my lungs have collapsed. What are we going to do?

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