Part 23: Beauty and the Beast

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I wasn't going to come tonight.

Not that I had anything else to do, but I figured who really wanted to see me at this kind of thing.

Who wanted to see me at all.

However, Anita and Bea insisted I come and try to charm Hermione. After her comment last week- I highly doubt she feels anything for me and that thought stings worse than a Manticore's poison- I thought maybe I should. The Ministry paid me for ending the war without causing too much distress and damage. A whopping 500,000 Galleans for my trouble. Which in pounds is £2,489,999. So that's a nice fortune for me.

The tuxedo I went with- instead of my classic all black, is a dark red velvet suit jacket, black vest, black under shirt and a frosty white bow tie and black pants. I feel odd, wearing the Gryffindor color- but Anita said that it would not only get her attention, but Red is also my color apparently.  The event started ten minutes ago and I figured running fashionably late was considered best, that is until I entered and found everyone dancing, sipping champagne and chittering gayly. 

"Congratulations, Mr. Malfoy." Some random old guy says as I pass.

"Thank you, Sir." I bow my head and make my way through the crowd until I get just to the edge of the dance floor and that's where I see them. My heart stops and the air leaves my lungs.

Hermione in emerald green.

Talking to some git in a velvet navy tuxedo-try so hard not to curse the poor bastard, I just stand and watch. When her eyes spot me, she says something quickly and takes his arm. They walk out to the dance floor and I endure watching them waltz and many others stop and gaze as well. How could they not? Her dress leaves nothing to the imagination on her torso. Her plunging neck line nearly reveals her breasts and navel. The back of her dress comes just a centimeter or two above her arse. Her curled glittery dusted hair is down and looking magical. Of course everyone is staring at her.

"They look so cute together." A woman beside me says to another woman.

"You realize that's Lord Andrew Gray. One of the more prominent Lord's in the U.K. And a pure blood no less. I was very surprised when he graduated a Ravenclaw when I was in my fifth year." The red headed lady says.

"The minister and him seem to be fit for tied. I think they'd make a perfect couple." The blonde says.

"Their children would be gorgeous." The redhead adds. The more I stand here and listen to their chatter the more nauseous I feel. Backing away, I walk down the corridor to the Lou. Bursting through the door, I lean forward against the sink and try to calm my raging nerves.

Granger and a Lord.

And a Ravenclaw!

Staring at myself in the mirror, I feel beyond angry right now.

"You look positively sick." My eyes widen and I look up and find Ginny standing at the door.

"What are you...."

"You realize this is the women's room, don't you?" Fuck! Pulling away from the sink, I go to excuse myself and she stops me. "Are you alright? You look paler than normal."

"I'm bloody well." I snap slightly and she smirks.

"I know what you saw out there upset you."

"Just move, Gin." I try to get passed and she puts her hand on my chest.

"She thinks you used her. She's hurting too, Draco."

"I told her I loved her...and she says I used her..." shaking my head, I push passed Ginny and leave the bathroom.

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