Part 4: Him

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What the Hell was that?

He just flung his bowl all over the table, dropped from the booth and ran away. I've never seen him look so frightened and disturbed before. Apologizing to the ladies of the cafe, I take my leave and exit the building.

Which way could he have gone? I look left and right and I don't spot him in either direction. I know he couldn't have gotten far- considering his weakens state. Looking across from me, I notice the Alley. One of the passages back to Diagonal Alley. Making my way across, I follow the deep corridor of bricked buildings down as far as it lets and turn a corner- but stop when I hear him. Peaking around the corner, he is smashing his fist into the brick wall as hard as he can. You can hear the snapping of his bones and very soon after, he turns and slides down the wall. I watch as he begins to sob harder than he had earlier. It isn't too far into his sobbing that he gets on all fours and loses his stomach. I want to leave him there- after all he's done: he more than deserves it. Yet I don't move.

I can't.

Until he sits back on his knees and then collapses backwards onto the ground.

"Lumos." My wand lights my way down to him and he's passed out. "Bloody Hell."

Kneeling beside him, I place my hand on his chest and aparate us to my home. We popped up in my bedroom and I lift him the best I can onto the bed. Removing his shoes and jacket, I cover him up with my duvet and then another blanket.

"Brackium Emendo." I cast on his hand and it starts healing his broken bones. Going to my on-suite, I grab a warm wet wash cloth and clean up his mouth. Cleaning it with the wave of my wand, I rewet it and dab at his forehead. My chest tightens and pulls- my heart twisting tightly around itself. "This is the one kindness I'll give you. Tomorrow- you'll be gone from my life. No longer a weight upon my heart. Stupid Ferret."

Standing up, I leave my bedroom, turning out the light as I go and shutting the door behind me. Sighing heavily, I walk down the stairs to my living room. Maybe if I just relax, I can figure out my next mo...

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who the hell is that?

Walking to my front door, I open it an find Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Lavender standing on my doorstep with wine and a baked cake in their hand.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and they all look at me.

"Aren't you going to invite us in?" Ginny asks.


"Come on, Mione, we're celebratin'." Ron says and they all manage to push their way into my home. Before I close the door, George, Fred, Luna, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Pravti, and Cho all enter my home after the other four.

"Excuse me! Why are you all here?!" I loudly ask.

"We told you we're celebratin'." Ron states again.

"Celebrating what Ronald?" I growl loudly. They all start laughing and look at me.

"The fact that Malfoy is no longer welcome in our realm!" Ron says.

"We're free of that stupid prat!" Ginny adds.

"Never have to see him again or hear about him again." Neville chimes in.

Oh if only they knew he was upstairs right now.

"He shoulda got da kiss if ye ask meh." Seamus states and I glower at him.

"You all are ridiculous! Celebrating like this." I glare at each of them and they quiet themselves.

"Yeah- Mione. I mean- the bastard should still be in Azkaban, but at least he's not in our lives any more. The person who gave him that freedom and sentence to the muggle world is a bit of a stupid git if you ask me. He didn't deserve the mercy he got. I don't care if he regretted anythin'. How he treated all of us. How he tortured you your whole life growing up: I hope he suffers out there. I hope the person who released him suffers a bit too." Ron boasts and everyone claps and cheers besides Me, Harry, and Luna.

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