Part 9: We Meet Again

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"Dudes! Come with me. I met dis sexy Lass at the bar and she's here with 'er friends. We could get ta shag later!" Reid comes over to me and his friend John very excited about something. Handing us our drinks- John, a 29 year old with no hair and a thick beard, looks at me as if he's looney.

"Are these like those fairies you claimed to see the one day?" They laugh and inside I can't help but smirk because fairies are real. If they only knew what was really out in the world.

"No! Really! She's absolutely the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Gorgeous brown hair! Beautiful brown-gold eyes and cute little freckles upon her slender fair face!!" Wait...he can't be talking about. "Her name's Hermione and Lawd is she an Angel...."

"Come on." I say and hit John in his arm.

"Don't tell me you believe him?!"

"I do- because I know Hermione and frankly- I'm gonna enjoy this." I say devilishly and both look at me. "Lead the way."

Following him through the throng of people, we make our way to the other side of the club to the rounded booth where Weaselette, Looney, and Granger are sitting. Hermione seems to be invested happily in telling the other two women something and Ginny must say something snide as she looks at me because Hermione seems flustered.

"Hello, Ladies- Granger." I say with a smirk and she shoots around finding my eyes instantly. Glancing down at the white dress shirt and loose tie from earlier, Hermione's eyes take me in and her cheeks burn. Reid here speaks of a beautiful Angel."

All the women blush and I feel the Slytherin arsehole come back to me.

"Reid, I think you're sorely mistaken mate." I jab and Hermione gets up in my face. I catch her tight fitting lace cocktail dress, the white looks so crisp and clean against her lightly freckled shoulders and chest. Her hair is in a high pony tail, her long curls twisting around each other and over her male to lay between her shoulder blades. It's much longer than it used to be and now seeing all of her- I can understand how Reid could call her an Angel. "I'm kidding!! Calm down Granger- no need to bite...unless that is- you're into that kind of thing."

I say quietly so only she can hear the remark. Her teeth grit and her face pinches inward as she furrows

"So you all know each other?" Reid asks and Hermione never takes her eyes off of me as she speaks.

"Unfortunately, yes. We're old school mates." She says and now draws her attention to Reid. Pushing around me, she goes to him and puts her hand on his arm. "Do you dance?"

"I do now." He says and she tugs him to the pit of dancers- turning back to glare at me as she does. George looks at the other two and extends his hands.


"Sure!" Luna is quick to her feet, but Weasley hesitates.

"I'm happily married. Thank you though." She says politely and George nods in understanding and then leaves. Standing at the edge of the table, I feel awkward being left behind with a Weasley. I clench and unclench my fist a few times and look around awkwardly. "You can sit- you know. You're making me nervous just standing there like that."

"Sorry...." I apologize and slide into the booth.

"Did you just apologize? Boy- Azkaban must've really changed you around." She smirks and I watch Hermione and Reid dance closely together- his hands on her waist and hips as they bump and grind next to Luna and George. It makes my stomach turn.

"Let's not talk about Azkaban...please." I quietly plead while watching our friends.

" is it you managed to make two Muggles for friends? Which charm did you use on them?" She laughs and I just shake my head.

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