Part 25: A Child is Born

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I seen red.

Blood dripping from her nose.

Blood on Ron's fist.

Blood Rage in my eyes.

I didn't take a moment to rationally think about all the people standing around watching.


I walked right up to Weasley and knocked him flat on his arse, breaking his nose in the process of my fist connecting with his face. I didn't need Hermione to see it. It would only make the problem worse. Escorting her into the bathroom, I shut the door and take her to the sink. Hoisting her up into the marble vanity, I run the water and remove my handkerchief from my breast pocket- wetting it in the warm water. Dabbing at her nose gently, she tries to wipe the tears away so I don't see them, but they're hard to miss. The blood just keeps coming and it trickles down her bare chest towards her navel.  Grabbing a few napkins, I come back and direct her with my hands.

"Lean forward, pinch your nose firmly at the nostrils, I'll be right back- okay?" She nods tearfully and I kiss her forehead and watch her do as I've directed before leaving. Walking out, the men have gathered Weasley and have him in the chair. As I come back, he cringes away from me as I get in his face. "You're lucky there is a room full of people here and I don't want to ruin anyone's night. You will get your pathetic little weasel arse up and you will witness the birth of your child- or I will make sure your nasel cavity is inserted into that tiny mushy brain of yours."

Grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, I drag him down the hallway to the private lounge and as I open the door, Lavender is screaming and crying- a contraction hitting her harder than ever. Ron faints at the door and collapses on the floor.

"Ahhh......." Lavender cries and the Midwife looks at me.

"You'll do. Get in here."

"Me?! I'm not the..."

"I don't care who you are. I need someone she can push against because she's about to knock over the whole damn bench if she keeps this up." I leave Ron on the floor and shut the door. Walking over to Lavender, I stand behind her- trying not to witness the bulging head of a baby trying to pop itself out.

"Grrrrr....ahhhhhh!!!!" The poor girl cries and I stand behind her. She pushes hard into me as Ginny and Luna hold her feet bent.

"You'll need to relax, dear. You can't push yet." The old woman directs.

"Where's Hermione?" Ginny asks and I shake my head.

"You're fucking twat of a brother punched her in the face. She's in the bathroom dealing with a bloody nose." I growl and the women's eyes widen.

"Wh...whahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Lavender begins to ask, but then takes over pushing again. Her back presses hard into my chest and both girl's eyes widen. I'm glad I'm behind the skirt for this one.

"He punched her?! Why?!" Ginny growls loudly.

"I'll tell you later. Best ta keep everyone calm and focused." I say as I take both of Lavender's hands and she squeezes them very tightly. I feel like my bones are going to break.

"You're doing well, Dear. The head is halfway out."


"That's it. You're doing well." I say and she looks up at me.

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"

"Don't mention it....please." I say as I try to ignore the pain in my hands and chest.

"The head is out, Lav! The baby is almost here!" Ginny says and she and Luna push hard against Lavender as she rides through another contraction.

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