Part 47: No

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It all happened so fast.

One minute Bea and I were watching Hermione speak about ending the Silent Law and the next she was smacking her face off the podium and collapsing on stage. I thought for sure she would come too before the cameras stopped rolling- but she didn't.

The last two weeks without Hermione had been horrible. Bea- the old domineering Gryffindor she is- was doing all she could to rid me of Boggarts- who seemed to feast upon me for days on end. Finally- we had enough of fighting it and it came down to ridding myself of Boggarts, by removing Hermione from my fears.

Bea obliviated me.

A heavy dose of swiping my memories of her made it seem impossible for the demonic little beasts to bother me. When I lost the fear of losing Hermione- I lost a bit of myself as well. I don't fully remember what went on between her and I that caused me to be in such a state, but all I remember is the moment in the cafe and the flowers in her living room. Everything else is really just a blur. The old Lion really knows how to pick and choose my memories to make it less likely to be blighted.

If it wasn't for watching the news today- I probably would've never thought about her again. I would've lived my life happy without Hermione Granger. She would've been a mirage of a girl I knew in the past and nothing more.

Yet watching her collapse before the world- brought me back just enough to worry about her.

Being tackled by a 235 pound man is not what I wanted to do today. The weight of his body colliding with mine was by far the one of the worst feelings in the world. When my body hit the hard laminate floor- I was sure something was broken.

"I need to see her!! I need to see Hermione!" I yell under the weight of the security guard.

"Let him up." Her sweet- but dominant voice commands and after a few seconds the burly man gets off of me. As I stand up- stretching my neck out and trying to rid my back of the pain: I find her soft brown eyes gazing at me as well as the eyes of one of my least favorite people- Weasley. "Draco- what are you doing here?"

She sounds less than pleased and cautious.

"I saw the news and I was worried. I needed to know you were okay. They didn't exactly have a follow up on the news." I say slightly out of breath.

"Well- you came and saw- now leave." Weasley bites and I glare at him.

"I didn't ask your permission, Weaselbe." He takes a few steps forward and is about to make a move when Hermione speaks up.

"Ron...leave us, please."

"But, Hermione..."

"I asked nicely- next time I won't." She says politely, but with fire behind it. Ron takes the hint and steps by me to leave- but not before jamming his broad shoulder into mine. Rubbing it, I watch him leave down the hall. "Well?"

Her voice pulls me back and I can't help but smile- though I don't receive one from her.

"I thought your speech was brilliant...up until the point you fainted of course." I smirk slightly and then immediately frown when I notice she seems unamused by my comment.

"Yes, well...if that's all..." Why is she so upset with me?

"I wanted to know if there was anything I could do." I spout quickly and step forward just a bit.

"You are a piece of..." Her face grows pale and she bends over the bed and just barely grabs ahold of the bin to get sick in. Walking across the room, I hold her hair and rub my one hand up and down her back.

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