Part 10: What's in an Apology?

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I couldn't do it.

I couldn't forgive him.

It wasn't real.

He didn't mean it.

Even if he did- how am I to forgive him so easily?

Getting back to the table, I find only Ginny sitting there. She looks upset as I sit down.

"I'm gonna get us some more drinks." Reid says and George joins him. Luna sits across from me and can't stop smiling. She's enjoying herself tonight. She's enjoying George's company.

"What's wrong, Gin?" I laugh slightly and she glares at me. "What?"

"What was that?" She asks with a slight tone to her voice.


"You just left. You didn't say anything." Oh- I know exactly why she's mad.

"What?! You want me to just accept his crap apology for years of abuse and torment? Just like that?!"

"It would've been a nice foot forward. Putting the past in the past." She sneers.

"I will not forgive Draco Malfoy for what he's done- when that apology was all a farce!" I slam my hands on the table. "And where is the little ferret anyway?!"

"He left." She bites.


"He left because he knows nothing he says will ever take your hate for him away. Why'd you have to make those jabs at him in front of the guys?"

"He was jabbing at us! And why shouldn't I take a cheap shot? He always does?! Why are you defending him all of a sudden?" I yell and she shakes her head.

"Why aren't you? You let him go free. If you hate him that bad- then what was the point? You don't realize what Reid is doing for him. He got him a job- a place to stay. If you haven't noticed- Draco is actually a different person."

"Yes, because he's using someone else to get what he needs and when he doesn't need Reid any more- he'll toss them aside like he would anyone else." She slams her hand on the table and leans towards me.

"Draco may have been a heartless arsehole growing up and he still has a long way to go: but that boy needs friends. Actual friends. Not cronies. I don't even want to imagine how lonely he's been all his life. Now he doesn't even have his shit cronies or his shit family. He has no one, Hermione. Don't you dare take away the only two people he finally has." I stare at her and am shocked. Ginny Weasley is defending Draco Malfoy. Defending him. Pleading for him.

The guys come back and Reid looks around.

"Is Malfoy in the Lou or somethin'?"

"No...he went home. Wasn't feeling too well." Ginny states kindly and George and Reid look a bit upset.

"Damn- I got him a drink to celebrate his employment. Shite." Reid...actually likes Draco. When they came over- I just assumed it was Draco making a new crew of arseholes, but seeing how Reid and George are actually concerned about him and wish he were makes me feel awful for making him feel he should leave. "Ah...I'll toast to 'im any how. To Malfoy! May his new start bring him joy and happiness!"

"Here here!" Luna and George and Ginny raise their glasses and I mindlessly raise mine as well. Maybe I was a bit rash.

"Aye, I better get going home." Luna states and George takes his shot and shoots it back into his throat and looks at Luna.

"Care if I walk a lady home?" He offers and Luna blushes like mad.

"No, I think I'd like that. See you all later." She says as she takes his hand and they leave. Reid smiles at me and I blush.

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