Part 8: Picture It!

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It's been a long day of meetings, councils, and prosecutions.

I have done nothing but run around since 5:30 this morning- making sure that everything was operating the way it should.

I feel overly tired too.

I can only blame myself though. I haven't put down the Black Book since yesterday.

It's the first book I've picked up in a long time and so far- I am halfway through it.

It's gotten more complicated to sort out. There are eerie similarities in the characters and background structures that could suggest Malfoy wrote it- but at the same time, it's so well thought out and whimsical and romantic that it could never be his book.

I mean if it is- he out in an imaginary kiss between Emmaline and Tomason.

I certainly have never kissed Malfoy.

Nor would I want too.

He also added a part where he steps in to defend her from a brutish boy who is more or less a more eccentric version of Ron- while I assume Harry would be the other boy in the story- that is an equivalent character to Tomason himself- which if that's the case- that means Draco sees Harry as his equal not his enemy.

But I guess that could've been different if Harry wouldn't have embarrassed Draco the first day of our first year by denying his friendship.

Either way- the books a good read- just as Draco said.

"Hey! Are you even alive in here?" My elevator opens up and it's Ginny and Luna.

"What?" I ask as I look up from the Black Book and look at my friends.

"We've been sending you messages like crazy. Haven't you gotten any of them?"

"What? My phone died yesterday."

"And you didn't charge it?" Ginny inquires.


"Why? Did...did you even go home?" She asks me with a concerned tone to her voice.

"No, but I've been preoccupied. It's fine."

"Preoccupied? With what?" Luna asks as she comes closer and examines my desk. Her eyes catch the book under my hands and she smirks. "Reading She & Him I see."


"That book. It's about Genasi wizards who are more or less forbidden to love each other, but the Fire Genasi does all he can to be with the Frost Genasi."  Luna spouts off the synopsis of the book like she knows every detail.

"How do you..."

"I read it several times. It's my favorite book. I always wished the author made a series, but they never did." She sighs heavily and leans against my desk.

"Do you know the author?!" I ask her curiously and she frowns.

"No...but you know their work by the lack over outward appearance of their books."

"Wait...they wrote more than one?"

"Aye, but not about Emmaline and Tomason. The other two books are rather sad and depressing. I read them after me Mam died. I felt like they related to all the pain I felt deep inside. That author sure does know how to pull at your heart and connect with you."

"What book?" Ginny comes over and takes the book from me. She flips through the pages and looks at the front and back cover. "This doesn't even have a title. How do you know it's called She & Him?!"

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