Part 13: Just Friends

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My head pounds horribly.

My eyes burn like someone poured Fire-whiskey in them.

And I'm cold.

Opening my eyes this morning, I'm beyond disappointed and hurt.

She left.


She left.

I wished she would have stayed.

It felt nice.

Having her in my arms like that. Then again- why am I not surprised she left.

Hell, I would've left me too.

Climbing out of bed, I shakily stand and walk out to the kitchen with the blanket wrapped around me. I find a bag of clothes and medicine on the table. Taking it, I skulk back to my room and sit on the bed, staring out at the snow covered world and I take a deep breath. I miss the good old days where I could just use magic to make everything better for me. Where my house elves would have my breakfast made and my clothes set out. My owl would fetch me the Daily Prophet so I could read up on the Ministry's Mistakes. Doing everything the Muggle way is fast my becoming boring. Having to walk everywhere. Unable to just pop in where I want. No secret passageways to cut across town and no endless bowls of warm soup to make you feel better.

I think I miss my broom the most though. The freedom to fly and soar with the birds and see the world below you disappearing like the smoke in a crystal ball.

I miss my broom.

I miss my wand.

Even if I could buy another- would it ever feel the same?

I feel like any wand after your first is like getting the same card out of the chocolate frogs box as a kid. Just a disappointment and waste of money. It's not special. It's not unique. Just another Albus Dumbledore to throw in the bin or set on fire.

After having gotten dressed and halfway across town, I find an owl following me. I turn into an ally way and stop. Putting my arm out it lands and presents a letter to me. It's a Ministry Owl for sure. This lovely silver tinted Screech Owl once delivered my father urgent orders from Feltch. Taking the letter, I thank the owl and it flies off. Opening the letter, I read it quietly to myself.


Hope you are feeling well today. I'm sorry I left last night. I had an early meeting this morning to discuss a few very important things. Anyway, I was wondering if you would accompany me to dinner this evening. If you aren't busy that is.

If interested, meet me at The Queen's Parkway Arch at 6:30.

Wishing you well, your friend,


A smile rises to my face and I feel my heart flutter. Going to Bea's door, I enter just as Anita is getting ready to leave. She smiles widely at me.

"Draco! Good morning! I'm so excited to go out with you tonight!" Shit....shit.

"Oh...yeah...." I say at the realization that I had made plans with her at the exact time Hermione wants to go to dinner.

"Is something wrong?" I like Anita...but I would like to go out with Hermione as well. Anita is very kind and I had offered myself to her first. I would be a total prat for canceling just to go with someone else.

"No! No- I was just running a fever last night and my head is still a little fuzzy." I say and she looks me over.

"Aw...I'm sorry to hear that. We don't have to go out tonight if you're not feeling well." Take it! Take it!

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