Part 15: Anita Knapp

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It didn't take me long to get back to Bea's and finish up my day with her.

And it didn't take too long for Anita to show up, do her shift and put Bea in bed for the night.

She was just happy to see how Bea and I interacted.

It amazes her for some reason.

Which confounds me.

Has no one realized she's just lonely?

Has no one realized her stubbornness and attitude is because she's upset about losing the love of her life?


Because no one has bothered to sit down and fight her to have a conversation. No one has politely stood up against the woman's insults and gave her a reason to talk. She jabs and she argues and nit picks because that's the only conversation she has left since everyone treats her like she's a burden. She's not a burden- in any way shape or form.

She's a beautiful soul.

She's a delight- even on her peculiar days.

Walking down the block, Anita just smiles and awkwardly treks along beside me. She hasn't sad much since we left Bea's. She hasn't really even looked at me.

I can't say I've tried much of anything either.

It's been a long time since I've been alone with a girl for the soul purpose of being with her. I mean, with Hermione, yeah- we've been alone- but mostly to argue or check in or by complete accident. Never to just enjoy each other's company. I mean how could she enjoy my company? She still hates me despite her best efforts to pretend she doesn't. Her pity is the only thing that she has genuinely for me. Our friendship is built upon our loneliness- in that we long to be near each other so we don't feel the ache of that depressing loneliness that follows us around.

"So...where'd you got to school?" She finally speaks and I inwardly bite my cheek.

"I was home schooled."

"Oh. What was that like?"

"Lonely mostly. You?"

"I went to St. Mary's School for Girl's." She says and I can imagine it got old quick being around only girls for her.

"Did you like it there?"

"Oh yeah! I had a lotta friends...until my last year." She looks down and away, but quickly brushes it off. "So what do you do for fun?"

"I uh...I read. Write a bit. Sing- play piano."

"Really! Very artistic. I love art. I like to paint and sculpt." She pushes her brown hair over her shoulder and her beret nearly falls off. "Ugh, this stupid thing never sits right."

Taking off my hat, I pull hers off and put mine on her head and wear hers instead.

"Better?" I ask.

"Haha, yeah. You look very French."

"Bonjour, belle Femme."

"Haha! Merci!"

"Darien!" We laugh and walk into a pub. Finding a booth in the back, we sit across from each other and remove our winter apparel. "So what do you paint?"

"Scenery mostly. I'm not good painting faces and hands are the worst. They all come looking out like blobs." She giggles and I smirk a bit.

"I'm not even good at coloring in children's drawing books- so haha, you know." A waitress comes over and takes our order for our drinks. "Butterbeer please."

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