True Love is Blind

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Ever since the dawn of time soulmates existed.

Except it was more a laugh in the face at whoever unwilling loved, chose to love, or was the one being loved. Ever since wise men could speak they would claim youth is trigger happy. Excited. Thinking they know it all. Non-humbled children trying to act bigger than they are.

Not only do they say youth can be closed-minded, but they also say love, in the eyes of youth, is blinded by passion. Blinded by the need to feel special. Constantly seeking after their own enjoyment and looking past people outside themselves. And foolishly mistaking that fulfilled feeling by calling it "love".

People, youth, will say love is dead after leaving a relationship. When they fail to realize what they have was never love. What they had were needs that weren't met. That's not a failure of love, that's a failure of communication and balance.

Youth always sought after feeling loved. They'll foolishly start young. Perhaps at 12 or 13. Seeking that attention, that feeling of love they think they understand. Then come out of it heartbroken, saying they'd never date another man or woman again. When really, they are blinded to the fact that they've never dated or kissed a man or woman. Those boys and girls, those clueless kids, were just dating other clueless kids.

Youth is stupid and most, if not all, will agree with that. So that's why Kokichi thinks God cursed human nature to laugh in the face of their own downfall.

Love blinds youth because youth can't see what it is. And thus, each time soulmates gaze at one another, their body freezes, and they can't move. Only their eyes can travel, while their body remains numb.

The only way to kiss them, to hold them, to touch them, is if their eyes stay shut.

Otherwise, they couldn't move. Blindness was forced upon the one in love or being loved, whether they were willing or not.

And it never hurt Kokichi, it's never played a role in his life. He's never had to worry about the long lectures from his professors about blinding love, and God's message to human beings. Not until he was with his friends in a coffee shop and the teacup in his hand shattered to the floor as his entire body went numb.

Rantaro and Tsumugi stopped their conversation abruptly as they looked at Kokichi sitting across from them.

"Ah," Tsumugi had worried in her eyes as she stared, "...Kokichi?"

Kokichi's hand was frozen held in front of him as if he was holding his teacup. His other hand was frozen over a sugar cube. His body was numb, the kind of numb you'd get struck by when your legs are stinging with shock absorption. Or you've cut off the circulation in your limbs. Yet instead of going limp, his joints locked, and no matter how he tried to move, pain circulated around his fingers he tried to twitch, his legs he tried to move, leaving his eyes gazing in frustration at his friends.

"...Oh you don't think it's..." Rantaro's face of worry was replaced by amusement. "His soulmate is looking right at him," He said to Tsumugi. The girl swiveled her head around, a smile on her lips as an exciting rosy tint lit her cheeks.

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