Camping Trip

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(I know it's his birthday today and I almost didn't do anything, but ima do something, Kay? Even if it's almost midnight it still counts. Also I have Senorita by Shawn and Camila on repeat in my head, it was mini inspiration send halp)

The day was sweltering. Kokichi tugged at his collar  to let his neck breath. He could feel sweat dripping down his back. He was uncomfortable, not that he's about to say anything. It was Kaito's idea to go on a camping trip over the summer, not his.

Kaito, who was far ahead of the group with Gonta, was probably spouting some happy positive nonsense while he was dying back here. The camping grounds couldn't be too far. He hoped it wasn't. His feet were aching and were probably blistering.

Since they were at an incline, pushing through the matted down tall grass, he couldn't burden Shuichi with carrying him like he did in the first mile. When the terrain was rather flat and carrying an extra 90 something pounds wasn't too strenuous.

After another ten minutes he let out a pained groan. "Any more walking and I will keel over and pray I become a bears meal." He nearly lost his footing on a rock, causing him more frustration. Shuichi, who was a couple steps ahead, chuckled dryly. "That would make for a very small meal."

He huffed in annoyance. "Yeah well I'm serious." He looked around for a good place to colapse but everything looked insect infested, so he decided not. Shuichi stopped and looked back at him. "Need a break? We haven't had one yet."

Kokichi pouted. "Yeah But Miu and Kaede had like, five hundred breaks. Each time everyone had to stop at one point to wait an extra 20 minutes. If we stop, they won't." Yes, he wanted a break, but they wouldn't get to the campsite any quicker.

Shuichi looked back up to the group getting farther ahead. "Okay, then, we'll keep moving." He turned forwards. Kokichi frowned and stared at his hurting feet. His heavy hiking boots where the definition of a murderer. Killing his feet with every step.

Kokichi reluctantly followed. The humidity seemed to increase every step. Shuichi must be exhausted too, falling behind might be the last thing on his to do list. At least they both weren't the last ones. That would be Kaede and Miu some twenty feet behind them.

After ages of walking, meaning another five minutes, both boys stopped at a campsite, their sighs of relief were audible as they slipped their heavy bags off their shoulders onto the grass floor. Kokichi collapses onto the grass, limbs splayed out under  a tree that provided heavenly shade.

He closed his eyes to catch his breath. It was still hot out and the air seemed heavy. He would peel off his shirt and wring it of sweat but that would expose him to mosquitos. More so than he is now. "Water?"

Kokichi cracked open his eye to see Shuichi sitting down next to his limp body, offering a canister of water. Kokichi sat up immediately. Taking the holy grails of hydrating goodness and tipping it back to drink in it.

"Have you not been drinking this whole trip?" Shuichi asked as he watched Kokichi chug the canister of water. Kokichi pulled the now nearly empty canteen and wiped his chin from the water that slipped down his lips. "Eh, how could I possible spare time for that when I have a tall glass of water right here!" He pulled, or more like yanked Shuichi down to lay next to him.

"No wonder you were in a bad mood. You were thirsty." Shuichi looked at him and pushed the nearly empty canteen back into his hands. Gesturing for him to finish it. "Hmph. Not even gonna get flustered at my comment? How boring." He took another sip of water.

Shuichi wiped his forehead and stared up at their saving grace of a tree. "It's too hot for that." He muttered.

Kokichi huffed out a sigh and drank the rest of the water. It was refreshing, but it still didn't cool the rest of his overheated body. "Hey," he poked Shuichi's cheek. The boy looked at him, surprisingly not as tired as he expected him to be.

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