Kokichi's Petty

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Shuichi knows many little secrets about Kokichi.

He also knows never to speak about them because most of them will cause Kokichi's cheeks to immediately shoot to a dark red. Although Shuichi thinks it's adorable, he really didn't want Kokichi to ignore him for a week straight... which he sadly learned the hard way, that's what he does when you tease him in certain areas.

Whether that embarrassing thing ranges from sleeping with a teddy bear to half naked baby picture. Kokichi would rather not have you point them out unless he lets that topic into a conversation. To Shuichi, Kokichi can get scary when you start talking about something that he would rather die then hear. Kokichi knows how to shut someone up one way or another and each time is more surprising than the last.

Before this relationship... Shuichi never would of guessed that Kokichi was the type to get easily embarrassed.

Shuichi does not tease him about it.

But Kaito does. The worst part is, they have known each other since they were younger. And the most embarrassing things happen at that time.

And now Shuichi is watching a disaster in the making unfold.

Kokichi and Kaito had gotten into a fight about how stupid or idiotic the other was, Kokichi was winning the argument, when Kaito brought up something that made Kokichi want to tear his throat out. Which resulted in Maki and Tenko holding the little gremlin back.

"Or that time when you fell asleep in school on your pen, and it leaked all over your face! But the funniest part was when the teacher woke you up and you said 'five more minutes mom'" Kaito broke into laughter as Kokichi face grew more red. Kaito wiped a tear from his eye. "And that wasn't even too long ago! Only an idiot would do that! Especially when we were younger, you were stupid. Remember when we went to the clothes store for shopping and everytime we passed a manikin you would pull down the—" "Shut up Kaito." "—and you would say that you wanted to see the—" "Kaito, shut up."

But Kaito didn't stop. He knew very well that he'd win this petty argument if he kept it up.

"—Not to mention the time before Shuichi knew you liked him you would draw little pictures of him on one of your homework assignments and the teacher showed the whole class!" Everyone in the room was giggling, which would include Maki, Tenko, Miu, Korekiyo, Kaede, Kiibo, Rantaro and Kirumi. Everyone was at Kaede's house to bake sweets occasionally as a friend get together for those who were bored.

"Kaito I swear when they unhand me you will wish your never opened that mouth." Kokichi growled darkly. Kaito kept chuckling. "Do you still sleep with that fluffy purple bear? Aww a big Ultimate Supreme Leader can't swleep without it?" Kaito got close to Kokichi, seeing as he was harmless when Maki and Tenko held his arms. "Funny how a Leader has no followers, what happened? The short little kid not good enough for people? I'd agree. Maybe it was because you made a fool of yourself in public when you tripped over practically nothing and slammed face first into the middle pole of two doors!" Kaito laughed again.

That's when Kokichi kicked his legs up over his head, using Maki and Tenko as a way to flip backwards and land behind them. (kicking Kaito in the face in the process) "Why you little bastard come back here!" Kaito yelled. Kokichi didn't run, instead he grabbed a freshly baked pie, hot out of the oven. Holding one finger out to Kaito. "Say something about me one more time." Kokichi said in a low voice, a shadow over his eyes.

Shuichi face palmed as Kaito didn't get the hint or think he wouldn't do it.

"I think the first mistake you made was being born, otherwise you wouldn't be an embarrassment to your family."

"Bingo." Kokichi whisper. And chucked the pie that hit Kaito's face with a satisfying splat. He screamed and Kokichi laughed, the kind of laugh he did when he got revenge. "Kokichi! You probably gave him first degree burns with that!" Kaede exclaimed as she and Maki helped wipe off the pie on Kaito's face.

Once the pie was kinda off he charged at Kokichi with the anger a bull might have. They ran in circles until one caught the other and it turned into a beat down. Maki, Kaede, and Rantaro were the ones to break up the fight.

Kokichi and Kaito continued to shout mean insults at each other but both went silent when Shuichi spoke.

"Kaito, if this is an argument of wits or who's more stupid than the other than... I could support the fact that Kokichi doesn't need to look up comebacks to use in arguments, and he didn't have to ask hope's peak to get them to recognize his talent. In case you haven't noticed he sticks out like a sore thumb, they scouted him out. Or did you forget that you asked to get in and failed the exam that they asked you to pass? And sneaking in to redo it, getting caught, given a second chance to take the exam, then cheating on it. After that you got the Astronaut title." Shuichi crossed his arms. Thinking back to what Kaito said about Kokichi that he didn't appreciate.

"And you think it's funny Kokichi's a leader and has no followers? Well how funny is an Astronaut who's never once been trained in a spacecraft."

Miu laughed and others chuckled.

Kaito stares at him. "W-Well... but Kokichi!—"

Shuichi cut him off with a smile. "Or need I remind you that you're the one who shrieked like a little girl when you thought the mop in the cleaning closet was a ghost? Who's an embarrassment to their family now?" This time everyone laughed. The color in Kaito's face drained.

"Oh damn Pooichi! Got em good!" Miu cackled. Kokichi was laughing and it was music to Shuichi's ears. Since Kaito seemed less hostile and Kokichi was dying of laughter in Rantaro's hold, he dropped him on the floor. Maki dragged Kaito off to help with the baking.

Shuichi bent down next to Kokichi who was trying to stop giggling. "Nee-heeheehee... and he can't even fight back..! Cuz you're so peeerfect! You never do anything wrong!~" Shuichi picked him up and stood him on his feet. "I'm not perfect and you know it. But let's ignore that for now, I requested a purple frosted cupcake for a reason."

Kokichi gasped. "Really!?" Shuichi nodded, "Yup come on, maybe I can get you two." The purple hair boy cheered. "Thank you Shu!" And ran over to claim his cupcake.

Later, they decided to walk home since it was nice out. "Hey ShuShu..." Kokichi said, wrapping an arm around Shuichi's. "...Did you know that you're actually the most amazing boyfriend in the world? Cuz if you didn't, you're a very ignorant Detective." He pointed out, Kokichi wasn't joking around. He was calm and had on a genuine smile. Shuichi chuckled, "Is this a thank you from earlier?" Kokichi hummed in response, pressing his head into Shuichi arm. "...I might of appreciated it a lot... it could be a lie though."

Shuichi smiled. "But it isn't."

"You know it."

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