Perfect Relationship

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He leaned in closer to the mirror, just to get a better view. The bruise on his eye looked heavily done. "...Choppy job." He muttered. Wishing it was at least on his cheek or something. Or his eye wouldn't be swelling. Sure he could cover the mark.

But being in a long tight relationship with a detective, things like this don't just slide. So What. He got into a sticky situation with a bigger guy. With bigger muscles. And a rather big fist.

He can still feel the awful pangs of dull pain thudding around his skull when that those meaty fingers closed into a fist against his face. He takes first place just above Harukawa. He's never felt so much pain in his face area like that. The only other pain he's felt that was far greater was when someone gave him a very, very low blow.

He pulled out his phone and texted a half hearted excuse to his beloved as to why he was nearly four hours away from home and six hours late. He wasn't even paying attention to what he said. Something about losing himself in wonderland.

He only just got away too. DICE pulled some risky things a week ago without his approval and now of course, he had to clean up the mess. Or, the legal mess. He made DICE clean up the entire HQ for three weeks as punishment. Which was lame for his ideas. But they really do hate cleaning.

He should really be icing the ugly purple and blue stain on his face but at this point, he's tired and doesn't want to. Unless a gas station provides that type of thing, otherwise he's out of luck.

He left the run down bathroom. He wasn't in a good part of town at all. But when his phone buzzed and he received his message, he knew he was in more... serious trouble.

Shumai! : Why are you in the slums of the outer city?

He internally groaned. He should have turned off his location. Before he could type something back, his ever so persistent lover sent a text before he could.

Shumai! : doesn't matter. I'm here anyway, so meet me

Kokichi glared at his phone. Rereading his message as Shuichi sent a street name. That was five blocks away from where he was now. In a small motive to be defiant, he shut off his location.

Grape boy : if you traveled all the way down here in the time of my lateness, I officially hate you

He pushed open the doors to the gas station into the nearly black streets. What was it? One in the morning?

Shumai! : I only just got here. DICE told me you were doing business. So I came here to get you since I know you don't have a car or money.

He hates him.

Grape boy : you know nothing.

Oops. That sounded mad. Well, he doesn't feel that great anyway. He'll let it slide.

Shumai! : did something happen?

He left him on read. He'll be finding out very soon, won't he. Kokichi pocketed his cursed device and looked up. He only had a block to go.

Once he did turn the corner, there was the devil himself. Just leaning against his very expensive looking black car, with arms folded and already looking at him. Ha. Rich people.

"So?" Shuichi asked expectantly as Kokichi was close enough, but oddly keeping his distance. "So what?" He responded. Yeah. He was pushing his buttons. Shuichi gave him a flat look.

"So why decide to not come home?" There is slight hurt in his tone. Kokichi shrugs. "Busy." he cooly replies. "Bet you don't like that answer, Huh Detective?"

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