You Deserve it

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It felt like hours since the explosion.

Shuichi sat among the rubble, sitting next to a resting Maki and Himiko. Both were exhausted from the execution. Shuichi had to let them sleep just a little bit longer before they plan on what to do next. Leaning against a boulder, he felt his eyes grow heavy and the fuzziness of sleep was stealing away his consciousness. 

Right before he drifted off to his own dream world a little someone popped in front of him out of nowhere.

Shuichi gasped and held in his scream. "M-Monophanie??" He stuttered, flinching away from her.

"Hello Shuichi! No time to explain the whys and hows! I really really hate to see you so broken! I want peace with at least someone's heart!" She said in her squeaky voice.

The anger he had was weak, he was too tired to even roll his eyes. To make peace with his broken heart would take a miracle. "So what are you going to do. Magically bring everyone back from the dead?" Was all Shuichi could mumbled, feeling himself growing more depressed.

"Well..." she hummed. " much as I would love to do that, it's impossible to bring everyone back." She said with a sad sigh. Shuichi shook his head. "So what do you want? There isn't anything you could do, I don't even know where we are going after this..." Shuichi glanced at Himiko resting on his shoulder and Maki sleeping with her arms crossed next to Himiko.

Monophanie huffed. "Don't worry! You're lucky daddy isn't here! Or else I'd be in big trouble for doing this! I'll help you escape this dome. With an extra person! I don't think anyone would mind since they aren't watching anymore. So who do you want back?"

Shuichi's eyes widened in shock, hope being sparked idiotically. "H-Have someone back?" He asked breathlessly. Monophanie nodded. "You may have to nurse them to health, who ever you pick. Cuz their injuries just don't magically go away!"

Shuichi thought for a moment. His mind immediately went to Kaito. That would make him and Maki happy... but his injuries would stay the same? Would that mean his illness is still there? So even if he did bring him back... he would just die again to the same sickness? He couldn't do that to Kaito....

He looked over at Himiko. The poor girl probably misses Tenko or Angie... but he could only bring one back and probably mentioning anything about "bringing her back" might trigger something about the seance and Shuichi knows how much Himiko was traumatized by that...

Not Korekiyo... for obvious reasons.

Not Ryoma... he'd probably kill himself, not wanting to live anymore.

Not Rantaro, nobody really knows the guy.

Maybe Kirumi...

NOT Tsumugi. Shuichi shuttered at the mere thought. 

Not Gonta... as much as everyone loves him, Shuichi didn't want him to live with the guilt of him killing Miu.

Not Miu, she values her own life far greater than anyone else's.

Maybe Keebo... was it possible to bring back a robot?

Kaede... who wouldn't know what Maki's true talent was and probably would be heartbroken to find out she killed Rantaro for no reason... everyone ended up dying... her sacrifice only pushed Shuichi forward. As much as he loved to see her again, it would be selfish to bring her back.

Who else?

Ah... that's right.



His chest ached when the name crosses his mind.

Kokichi... the person who Shuichi learned, that he gave his life to try to make an attempt to end the game with his unsolvable case. Ended up failing...

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