Traitor to Traitor

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(Tiz my attempt at doing Mastermind Shuichi x Murderer Kokichi. It was fun to write and probably not wat you expect. I had a "heck, why not!" moment.)

Standing here in the middle of the trial room was excruciating.

They lead on, and on with those who plead their innocence. With others pointing fingers. With expressions vacant from reality. Most by the end are rendered useless. Emotional beings that freeze.

Numb fingers, cold lips. Stiff body, aching head. It all swirls on repeat, everything always goes how it's expected to go.

That's why it's so boring.

Shuichi stared at his pedestal with hands gripping the side, digging his nails into the metal.  Eyebrows pushed together in heavy concentration. Everyone awaits his answer. Whose the killer. Who will die next.

He knew, but at the same time. He didn't.

Kaito was found dead. The self proclaimed hero- the one to lift the hearts of many. Just by the sight of his limp body sitting in the puddle of vibrant pink blood, had Shuichi in a very off putting mood.

"He wasn't suppose to die next."

That was his first thought.

"Kokichi was."

And that was his second.

Hours of picking through this mess, that had already screwed up his plans as it was, he looked up to meet the eyes of Kokichi Ouma, staring at him with joyful eyes. He had already proclaimed he was the murderer five times, and each time everyone told him to shut up.

They all thought Kiibo did it. Of course it ended up not being him, because the first person thought to be the murderer is never actually the murderer.

Now fault landed on Himiko. Who fiddled with the brim of her hat. Looking sickly pale with her eyes darting from everyone's face. The trial was almost over. Someone shares a guilty expression. Yet nothing made any sense.

It was frustrating. He took his hands off the pedestal and pinched the bridge of his nose. That annoying, pestering, taunting voice in the back of his head was throwing a fit. Whining and screaming about how this wasn't supposed to happen.

Which is why he had to fight down the crazed smile.

This time nothing went according to plan, infuriating him.

But that's why he liked it so much.

Another deathly silent minute goes by, and everyone stands holding their breathe. Waiting for the detective to give the final verdict. To point to the blackened and tell them that their time is up.

The dancing warm feeling in his chest made it hard to keep up the depressed and done with life act. Since that feeling of frustration was so familiar. It could only be attached to one person. One person he had grew to cherish in this killing game.

He loved that individuals past. Orphaned, no parents, scrapped together a group of friends. And swore to never kill. The despair that riddled their life was awe-inspiring.

As much as he wanted them for himself, to hold them to him like a prisoner, would make Shuichi so unbelievable happy. To an extend he's never felt before.

He had to loose those feelings, to avoid feeling disappointment when they died. The problem was.

The bastard never died.

"Oooh man! The tension is building!" Kokichi propped his elbows on the pedestal and planted his head in his hands. "Who's it gonna be, Shuichi? I'm dying to know!"

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