Untimely Burial pt 1

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(I just watched a bunch of ski compilations and thought, "hey, why don't I traumatize Kokichi?" So bam. Totally original idea, enjoy. Also super cuddlez are at the *end* I swear. Also also, for those who aren't ski smart, Black diamonds mean expert, blue squares mean intermediate, and green circles are for beginners.)

Kokichi stared at him with eyes that screamed a negative response. Not even bothering with a vocalized answer. Since it should be obvious.

Shuichi grimaced. "It's a no, then?"

Kokichi huffed out a sigh. It was late in the day and he was only trying to get comfortable on the couch with a nice, warm cup of hot chocolate in his hands. It being mid winter, he couldn't resist.

However, such a cozy atmosphere had to be ruined after he was all snuggled up against Shuichi when he brought up the idea of a ski trip in the mountains. "Shu, I love ya, but it seems something always goes wrong when we go on a trip. Or it's just not fun. Who's idea was it this time? Gonta's? Kaito's?"

Shuichi shook his head. "Actually Rantaro brought up the idea. You know how he always likes to do adventurous things. He's inviting anyone who wants to come. He already has access to a many roomed cabin, a fully functional heated modern winter home." He smiled weakly at Kokichi. "Convinced yet?"

He sighed again. "Well of course I'm going if you are. It's boring here and I can't seem to live without your company." He held up a finger. "But if anything sucks! I'm leaving, and that's final."


Thus, he finds himself exactly where he expected to be.

Everyone had come, except those who couldn't ski. Leaving three out of the sixteen classmates home to be inactive in sporty activities. Kokichi semi wished he was one of those people. So he could join Ryoma, Miu, and Kiibo at home to nap all day long. Sulking in his miserable loneliness.

Himiko couldn't ski either, but Tenko had brought her along to show her how. Such a kind girlfriend she was. And such a whiny girlfriend Himiko was.

At least for the first day they got to fight over rooms and settle down before the next morning where they would go off and try to ski almost every mountain before sundown. They had four days to manage that. Kokichi saw no hurry.

Kirumi knocked on his and Shuichi's open door. With a tray of steaming filled cups in hand. "I brought tea, would you like any?"

Kokichi looked up from where he was sprawled out on the floor playing on his phone. "Ooo! Yeah!" He hopped up. "Shuichi! Want any?" He called over to where Shuichi was nearly falling asleep on the couch in their room. No answer, so Kokichi grabbed two cups. Bidding his thanks as she left to ask others.

He set one cup of tea on the side table next to the small loveseat couch. This cabin, was hardly a cabin. It was a winter home extravaganza. A mansion built for vacationing in the heavy snowy seasons. It was practically a private hotel. He was glad he came, and having a fancy room all to himself with Shuichi was always heavenly.

It was nearing 10 o'clock at night, Shuichi's bedtime. So him drifting off to sleep now was no surprise. He kissed his cheek. "Shuichi~ I have tea, want some?" He sat next to him and sipped his cup happily.

"...maybe." Shuichi said softly. It had been a full day of road trips and travel, and Shuichi drove the second half here because Kaito was getting tired. It was a planned caravanning carpool trip. Everyone woke up at 5 in the morning to make it here before 7 so they could set up and relax.

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