In The Palm of Your Hand

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(Saw someone do this on ao3, thought is was a cool idea and decided I'd use it. Besides, who doesn't love a little interrogation love scene?)

It was so stupid. Kokichi glared at the name etched into his skin. Seeing it in the mirror of his bathroom, every morning was little to no surprise. But it did start his hour off with a bad mood. The name was a soft dark navy color, close to black. Meaning it stood out on his nearly white complexion. He pulled his checkered scarf up more to cover it. It was on the left side of his neck. The stupid name was on his neck.

A name appears somewhere on your body around the age you can comprehend language. Since everyone around the world deals with this, it isn't going to be the same writing. The most common places are the wrist, or hand. Somewhere that makes a bit more sense. Scientists who study this thing say the name will appear someplace close to where your parents have their names.

When he learned that fact, he didn't feel any better. He never liked his parents. Not that it mattered. The name naturally tattooed onto your skin was the either the name of the person who would be your lover -soulmate- all that happy ending. If not, you just came face to face with your mortal enemy. The person who will despise your flesh and bones to the very core. With personalities so completely different, a feud takes up the lack of friendship.

He hummed out his laugh. "Oooh Saihara Shuichi..." he giggled. Unfortunately he met his person already. A long time ago. He already looked into his eyes, saw the spark, the shine, the connection that sends pangs of an invisible strong feeling through your heart.

Kokichi was only running away from the police, at the time, when he hoisted himself up over a fence only to realize he'd been cornered. DICE was about 130 yards behind him, meaning he was without help. That's when he saw him. Practically standing there with a look of distaste, arms folded, hand cuffs hanging from his hand.

He managed a way out, he doesn't remember how, it was so long ago. But he did look up his name. The new Detective that's been hired to capture him. It's been a month and a half from that encounter, and today, Kokichi wants a face to face chit chat, for... old times sake. So he's preparing for his capture. DICE already has a bust out plan in store, so he'll be in custody for a good three hours.

Kokichi sighed. Today was going to be a long day.


They yanked his arms behind his back and slammed him down on the front of the police car. He winced with a forced laugh. "Yeesh! you guys have no manners!" The cold cuffs latched around his wrists and the boring policeman ignored him. Saying the typical; "You have the right to remain silent."

At least Saihara was the one to chase him. Kokichi himself had dropped so many hints as to where they were going to steal next. Of course he took the bait and waited for him night where he would be. The chase lasted 20 minutes before he unprofessionally tripped out in the open of five police cars. Saihara handed him off to the bigger guys and his interrogation would be with said detective.

He was shoved in the car and hummed some random song for the time he went from there to the infamous police station. Many times the guy driving him told him to shut up, but Kokichi didn't see any law against humming in cuffs.

Sadly, the reception was little to nothing. They dragged him into the station. Had two people on either sides of him shut him in a room where he was tied to a chair. Soon left alone to play the waiting game.

1 hour, until the door opened. He smiled when the detective walked in, sitting down with that poker face expression.

"Long time no see, Saihara." He greeted, his own eyes narrowed like the detectives. The cyan haired boy sighed, leaning back in his chair and taking one finger to tap his chin.

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