Not Mad, Just Tired

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"Shuichi, c'mon. You can't be that mad."

Shuichi rubbed his eyes and fought back a yawn. "You can't blame me if I am." He muttered. Keeping his eyes on the road and attempted to focus on the white line lit up by his head lights. Since it was still dark out.

Kokichi sighed. Sinking lower in his seat. "Well, Sorry." He said, sticking out his bottom lip. "I didn't mean to fail. They had a gas bomb and I didn't realize it."

Shuichi fought back the urge to roll his eyes. He had to not let his bad mood ruin his attitude completely. Kokichi had just executed a heist early this morning. At two.

Apparently everything didn't go according to plan because he was caught in the last seconds of the plan. Gas bomb went off, trying to knock out his ever growing crew, but Kokichi managed to get everyone out, minus himself. Meaning he was arrested. However, with both of their efforts, and for 3 long hours, Kokichi was let go free of charge.

"...and thanks." He added. After all, Shuichi was able to persuade them that he wasn't the leader, but a forced victim to an illegal act. Shuichi only hummed in response. Clearly not excepting the apology from earlier.

"How mad are you...? Or do I not want to know."

Shuichi gripped the steering wheel firmly. "...I'm not mad. I'm just anxious and disappointed. Not to mention exhausted." Though, saying that through nearly gritted teeth didn't help his case. "...liar." Kokichi sighed.

"You were almost killed!" Shuichi suddenly yelled. "I for one don't like getting calls at 3 a.m saying you're behind bars! Not to mention with a slight head injury and the possibility you were poisoned by illegal gas!"

"Shumai, it wasn't that bad—"

"Well I didn't know that!"

Kokichi bit his lip. "...I got carried away was all. We have the artifact. Everyone was fine—" Yet again, Shuichi interjects. "I could care less about the artifact. You didn't make it out and I was scared."

The purple haired boy frowned. "Scared? I already told you not to worry, I might get in trouble from time to time but I have you and..." He silences himself. "...You're hands are shaking, pull over."

Shuichi looked at his own hands, they weren't shaking... only slightly. He was just jumpy right now. But for both of their safety, and Kokichi's sake, he pulled over at the side of the highway. Finally getting the chance to look Kokichi in the eyes.

"...I'm sorry." Kokichi said again. He reached out a hand to grasp Shuichi's. "I'm really, really sorry."

The sun in the distances was just coming up. It was late winter and the darkness ended at 7. Shuichi looked away, just to calm down. " can't rely on me." He whispered. Imagining a situation where he couldn't come to his rescue. "I know, I know..." Kokichi brushed his thumb over Shuichi's knuckles. "...And I was being stupid. Just a teensy bit too cocky this time. And I'm really sorry, for getting myself kinda poisoned and whacking my head against the metally stuff. You probably feel obligated to cure me." He chuckled softly.

Shuichi frowned. He reached up and brushed back the others purple hair to where the cut, that had a big bandaid over it now, was. "...I may be mad but I'm not just going to abandon you. If I could, I would of let them throw you in jail without a second thought." He pressed a gently kiss to the small wound.

Kokichi's cheeks lit up a bright pink. "...So you forgive me?" Shuichi nodded. "Of course. Why would I not? That doesn't mean I'm not disappointed. You really did scare me."

Kokichi leaned forward to give him a small kiss. "...I'm sorry. When we get home I'll make you feel better. I know you didn't get much sleep last night. So how bout a nap?"

Shuichi considered it. "...Nap sounds heavenly, but it's going to be with you."

Kokichi giggled. "Wow, assertive much? That's my thing." Shuichi yawned and sat back in his seat. "...I don't think so... you little spoon."

Kokichi intertwined his fingers with his. "Hey! If I was bigger than you I would be big spoon!" Shuichi shut his eyes and sighed. Ditching Kokichi's hand and patting his head. "...That's cute. You're cute."

The smaller poked shuichi's cheek. "Ah, mister driver, you can't fall asleep here. I'd love to drive but I'm registered as drunk with the poison inhalation? Remember? Hey!" He clapped his hands in front of Shuichi's face. He opened his eyes again. "...I bet you a thousand dollars we'll crash on the way home."

Kokichi pouted. "Well don't. We have ten miles left. We can do it." He sat back in his seat.

Shuichi smiled weakly and started the car back up. Kokichi took it upon himself to keep Shuichi awake. Either by talking loudly, or playing music off his phone. Luckily both make it back to their little home unharmed.

"C'mon my beloved." Kokichi got out and skipped to the other side. Opening the car door and pulling a very sleepy Shuichi out. "We're so close, just have to walk to the door!" Shuichi hummed, rubbing his eyes. "I get it, I'm coming." Kokichi pulled on the others sleeves. "Come faster! It's chilly out here and I wanna be toasty warm inside!"

The smaller fished the keys out of Shuichi's pockets and unlocked the door. Skipping inside, and having a sluggish Shuichi follow behind. "...I feel dead." He said as he yawned again. Kokichi snickered as he pulled his jacket off. "You look dead too. Ima grab a snack and you can go to bed." He stood on his tippy toes to kiss Shuichi's forehead. "...take a shower while you're at it, you smell like smoke." He muttered to Kokichi.

"I get it. How much sleep did you get last night? You normally do well with little sleep."

He heard Shuichi scoff. "Do well...? No. No no. I had 1 hour of sleep last night. It would have been 5 if you didn't-... ah, never mind." Kokichi snaked his hands around the others waist. "Ahh, that's right. My wittle Shumai runs on naps and not nighttime sleep. Even though you're so cute when you're sleep deprived."

Shuichi muttered something incoherent. Something along the lines of  'Shut up'.

Kokichi kissed his cheek one more time before he went to bed. While Kokichi grabbed a banana. He didn't eat anything since yesterday morning. He'd eat more when their nap-not-nap-cuz-it-will-probably-be-waaay-longer-than-nap-time was done.

He took a quick shower to scrub off the smoke smell he obtained from the gas bomb and quickly skipped to their bedroom. Grabbing Shuichi's hoodie and slipping it over his head because it was beyond comfy.

He saw Shuichi passed out under the covers. ", so much for waiting for mee." He crawled under the blanket, to snuggle up next to the now warm Shuichi. Sneaking into his arms and curling up against him. He buried his face into his chest. "...I did...wait for you." Shuichi mumbled. "I just... fell asleep doing so."

Kokichi giggled. "Aw, I didn't know you were awake. Or, you were asleep, but then was awake." Shuichi pressed a kiss into his forehead. "...shh. You're talking too loud..."

He silenced his giggle into a hum. "...Love you Shumai. Thanks for everything." He whispered.

But by then, Shuichi was already back asleep.

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