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[so I attempted pureness in the cuddle kissy department, I hope I did not fail you]

At this point, he should never go camping. Whether it's rain or shine. Whether it's sleet or hail. Or just plain snow. He should never go camping. "Ah-Ahah..." he wrapped his arms around himself. He so hates Gonta for asking him to go camping in a 'heated' cabin. Not the friendly giants fault that cheap meant cheap. Guess he deserves it from not learning his lesson from last time.

He's not the only one along for the ride. There's another cabin just down a little pathway between the trees. Rantaro and Shuichi were in that one. He's heard they got the luckier deal.

It was 10 o'clock at night. Kokichi is already wearing fuzzy pajamas over shorts because he can't exclude any layers. With one blanket wrapped tightly around himself, he crawled over to the window. It was snowing so heavily. He groaned as he saw Gonta's big burly figure disappear into the small blizzard.

Since apparently he can't sleep knowing some bugs didn't make it home tonight. There goes his personal heater. He's been here for three days, and every night he huddled against Gonta who probably couldn't feel how utterly freezing cold it was. Under all those muscles, he probably lives in spring all year round.

He was, okay, under these blankets and fluffy PJs. But chill still crawled up his skin. Even bitting at his ears and nose. Making his face red with a thin layer of invisible frost. Even his fingers were red. He pouted. He was never one for being cold and unprepared for such weather.

He glanced back at the door locked tightly. And took in how tired he felt. Nights have been rough. Trying not to be squished or shivering to death. And the non stop activity Gonta prepared in the daytime.

He hated Rantaro for making him be with Gonta. He looked out the window and tried to see down the pathway where they should be. It was useless. The window was stuck open because it was so old. So a nice breath from jack frost hit his face and it sent ice cold shivers down his spine. Making him shrink back into his blanket.

Rantaro said that it was either Gonta or supervision by him. And both options sucked. He loved Gonta to death but sometimes he's fed up with him. Since he felt kind that day, he choose Gonta.

Kokichi looked up, glaring out the window. He was tired. Annoyed. Irritated. And trudging through a foot and a half of snow seemed impossible. Just imaging his legs becoming black with frostbite and falling off made him cringe. He had a dream about it once.

So he gave into the temptation. He wasn't going to sit here and wait for bug boy to come thundering back to show him how many creepy crawlys he saved. And he sure as hell will not be sleeping in the same room where bugs are roaming free.

He wrote a quick unreadable note.  And threw it somewhere Gonta's face, that practically hangs in the clouds, can see it.

He grabbed his coat and slipped on boots. That's it. He'll hate himself later, but tracking snow and mud into Rantaro's presence would be one thing to make him smile.

Other than the sheer look on his beloveds face when he presses his stone cold body against his.

He shoved the window open more. Since he gave up on closing it so long ago. He easily slipped out, freezing his limbs to numbness as he planted two feet in the snow. He wasn't wearing any socks, so when snow fell into his boot he jumped at the feeling of ice piercing his foot at each step. So he figured it would be better to run.

Worse. Snow whacked his face as wind scratched his cheeks. He saw their cabin and bolted to the window. Knowing they don't have locks. He threw it open, catching it before it slammed into the wood. Which would ruin his whole sneak in plan.

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