Little Whispers

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With frozen hands pressed against the glass, he breathed once, only to fog off the frost. With a quick swipe of his sleeve, he could see out, but only so far.

He stood, staring with the tip of his nose suffering from the chilling closeness of the ice cold glass, up against the window, with his hands curved around his eyes to block out the side. The snow flakes were the size of his eyes. The speed the wind carried them fast, from where he was, he could hear the soft flakes spike the houses walls. Whiping them so swiftly against anything in its way, it seemed as if the wind was the white blur itself.

"Ouma-kun, the longer you stand there waiting won't calm the storm." A warm hand found itself resting on his shoulder. Gently pulling him back and directing him towards the living room he had his back to. Rantaro's warm palm felt comforting against his half covered shoulder.

"Oh, Amami-kun, I forgot to say didn't I? I have the ability to calm storms, as long as I stare long enough. Normally takes a day or two." He chuckled weakly. He allowed Rantaro to sit him down at the couch in front of the fire. From there, he watched the tall green haired boy return to his wife side. At the loveseat on the left side of the fire.

Kaede sighed deeply as she gently kicked her legs up over Rantaro's lap. All to give her bare feet more warmth as she directed them to the fire. Sharing a pitiful look at Kokichi before scooting closer to Rantaro's side.

"I figured as much." He said softly, wrapping an arm around Kaede. "Don't worry though. I'll be happy to tell you storms last a day or two. It'll be over soon." He closed his eyes and rested there, against his love. A spark of strained jealousy brewed in Kokichi's chest.

He busied his eyes elsewhere by staring at the flames licking the inner walls of the fire place. "Yes, well," he dug his fingers into the plush fabric of the couch. "It's the night of supposed day two, and the weather guy predicted this one would be the worst we've had." Kokichi sighed, tucking his hands under his arms as he sat back with a quieted sigh. Closing his eyes as he ignored the urge to glance at the window.

The weather shifted from sleet, to hail, to snow for hours. For the holidays, Kokichi agreed to stay over with the newly weds. Or not so newly. It's been four months and he's heard talk of the two whisper ideas of a third within the household. Being with them was adoring, but he's had to reframe from calling Amami the nicknamed 'Chan' suffix. Since he could use that on Kaede now.

Occasionally he calls her Akamatsu still. She doesn't seem to care either way.

Kaede bit her bottom lip in empathy. "Don't be so worried. He said he'd wait until the wind calmed down. Maybe call again?" She shifted a bit to pull out her phone, since Kokichi's had died and was still charging on the floor attached to the plug.

Kokichi turned his back to her, picking up his legs to pull them to his chest. "No, It's fine, like, really! I'm okay. Just impatient is all. Um," he scanned the room with something to do. "Kaede, what's your favorite Christmas cookie?"

He looked back at her, watching her expression change from worried to contemplation. "Oh, ah, I don't know, I like all cookies." Kokichi gave a huff in reply. Turning his gaze to Rantaro who yawned, waving a hand over his mouth.

"The reindeer kind, she loves those." He replied lazily, letting his head fall back to hit the top of the cushioned loveseat. Kokichi jumped up at the sound of it.

"Great! I'll be in the kitchen making a mess. Yell at me if you want me to stop!" With that he whisked himself away to pull out the restocked cooking supply. The sound of bowls clacking together filtered into the living room where Rantaro was drifting in and out of a nap, as Kaede pretended to play keys on his limp arm that rested in her lap.

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