Slices of Heaven

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[I'll be doing Little Whispers pt 2 later since I want the perfect sad-happy ending. As for this story {Inspiration: Dandelions. And idk why}, I apologize in advance if I offend anyone. This carries very SENSITIVE topics (For some people).  And also very mild talk of religion. It's sorta a vent so if its crap I'm sorry, Cause I get the feeling that if I didn't ship Saiouma, I wouldn't be able to put my ideas into this. Again, my sorry's for hurting any feelings if I do. Do not read, if you get uncomfortable easy]

Kokichi breathed out a shaking sigh as he tried to just ignore him. He tried not to think about him. Since his eyes are daunting in his fragile heart. Thinking leads to breath-stealing agony, and his chest could only take so many blows. It felt shattered ever since he came home four nights ago. His roommates in his apartment flocked him, the moment they saw him trudge to his room, promptly locking the door.

Miu would knock on the door often, Rantaro would coax him out to grab a few things to eat. All the while they subtly ask why he felt so upset. As they see it, Kokichi left smiling as if he were on top of the world. Then reappeared with red eyes and silence.

The last time he ate with them was when Miu looked at him, attempting to be funny and said, "I smell a broken heart. So who'd cheat this time?" Of course, she was the only one who found it funny. While to Kokichi, the hot tears filled his eyes and he shot up from the table to retire to his room. Promising to himself he wouldn't go out until he was emotionally stable again.

Now, weeks into summer break, days from the whole fiasco, he still is struggling to smile. The fake smile was faltering too quickly, and his eyes would never stay dry. It was beyond infuriating and to think this wasn't even because of a breakup. Technically, it was. But they were never officially together. On a late-night he was with him, working through homework, when the tension built too thick. He blurted out that he loved him, and watching the others face swell with joy made him so happy.

So happy.

They went on a date the following weekend. But told no one. Since Shuichi was already with a girl, who, Kokichi couldn't compete with. She was beautiful. Had long silky hair, curves, a wonderful voice. Anything a typical guy would be attracted to.

Shuichi had sputtered out the excuse he was going to hang out with a friend. Kokichi told the same to his friends. And it kept going on like that. Date, after date. For months they'd meet and just talk. They'd go to the park during warm seasons and just walk side by side. Talking.

Kokichi would lose himself in his eyes, his smile, to the sound of his voice. He'd be enamored by his laugh, his likes, and dislikes. He'd remember every cherished thing Shuichi loved. He knew by heart that he liked to take his coffee cold in summer, and Shuichi always remembered how much sugar he'd put in his tea.

Things were perfect. Shuichi sometimes spoke about his girlfriend, how pretty she was. But it ended there. Her description went no further than her attractive looks. Not only that, he wouldn't mention her until Kokichi would ask.

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