3. fifteen

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The teenagers got to the parking lot and Nancy unlocked her mom's car. Mike got Eleven in the car and Cammie climbed in beside her. Max sat beside her, looking at Cammie's neck.

"Your bandage," she whispered.

Cammie pulled out her mirror and winced. Blood was slowly leaking through and she sighed. She turned to Max.

"Can't do anything until we get to Murray's," she mouthed.

"I didn't even pack spare bandages," Max mumbled.

"I'm fine," Cammie mouthed.

Max nodded, looking at the front as Johnathon started talking.

"What's wrong?" Johnathon asked Nancy.

"I don't... I don't know," Nancy said. The engine spluttered as she tried it again. "You can't be serious. Come on!" she said.

"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. I'm sure it's fine," Nancy mumbled.

"Did you leave the lights on?" Will asked.


"Do we have gas?" Lucas asked.

"Yes!" Nancy shouted. The engine spluttered again. "Come on!" she shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just stop, stop! Pop the hood," Johnathon grabbed her hand.

He got out of the car and Nancy followed. Cammie sighed and rubbed her face tiredly, leaning into Max's side.

The sound of a car engine hit their ears and they all looked to their left, seeing Billy's car shining it's headlights on their car as Billy revved the engine.

"Shit. It's Billy," Mike whispered.

Nancy banged on the window and opened the door. They piled out, Mike grabbing Eleven.

Max grabbed Cammie, wrapping her arm around her waist.

"Back in the mall! Back in the mall! Go! Go, go, go!" Nancy shouted.

The teenagers started running towards the mall, Max grabbing Will with her other hand so they didn't lose him.

"Be careful!" Mike shouted at Lucas, who helped him grab Eleven.

"Go, go!" Nancy shouted.

"We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation," Mike said into the radio. He sighed. "Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us. He has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Repeat: Billy has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Scoops Troop..."

"You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max broke the silence.

Cammie jumped out of her trance, looking for what Max was talking about. Nancy was loading a gun and Cammie's stomach filled with dread.

She only then realised that it was Billy in the car. Sure, she'd seen him and the others had filled them in, but she hadn't really focused on it until Cammie had seen Billy waiting for them with her own two eyes.

"This is just a precaution, okay?" Nancy said.

"And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer," Will said softly.

"Scoops Troop, I repeat, we are in need of emergency transportation. Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Mike said.

"No chance that thing'll drive, right?" Nancy nodded at the car Eleven had used to kill the Russians.

teenage tragedy (Max Mayfield)Where stories live. Discover now