1. seven

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"Can you believe that they want to bring neon legwarmers into fashion?" Camden looked up from the magazine Mike had stolen from Nancy for her at Dustin.

Mike and Eleven were in the bathroom getting cleaned up, while Dustin and Camden were in the basement relaxing on the couches.

"What?" Dustin said.

"Look," Camden turned the magazine to show him. "I'm all into neon and stuff, but legwarmers? I don't know. I think they're weird. Like, just wear pants or two pairs of tights like the rest of us. Then again, I suppose if you work out a lot, they'll match the funky leotards people wear," Camden said.

"Right," Dustin nodded slowly. "I totally understand the frustration of legwarmers. Sure," he said.

"Sure," Camden giggled.

Dustin's walkie buzzed on the table, the sound of Lucas' voice coming over the static. It was too far out of range to figure out what he was saying, but it was definitely Lucas.

"Mike, it's Lucas! I think he's in trouble!" Dustin yelled.

Camden threw her magazine on the table and sat up properly. Mike and Eleven hurried out of the bathroom and they all gathered around the radio.

"Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin said.

"Yeah?" Mike said.

"What if he found it?" Dustin held up the radio.

They could hear Lucas shouting but the words were still indecipherable.

"What's he saying?" Mike asked.

"I don't know, he's way out of range," Dustin said.

"-son of a bitch!" Camden caught the end of Lucas' sentence.

Mike grabbed the walkie.

"Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you," he said.

"The... you... mad hen-"

"Mad hen. Does that mean anything to you? Like a code name or something?" Dustin looked from Mike to Camden, who shrugged.

"-bad men-"

"Bad men. Bad men!" Mike shouted.

Camden's entire body froze. If the bad men were the bad men from her nightmare, like Dr. Brenner, and they saw her, she was just as screwed as Eleven. Of course, she'd changed a lot over the years and she didn't have the tattoo on her wrist, but surely there was a way they would know her if they saw her.

The radio started making static and Mike ran upstairs, Dustin right behind him.

"We need to leave," Camden warned Eleven.

Eleven watched her start packing a bag before helping quickly.

"Camden?" Eleven said.

"Yeah?" Camden looked up from where she was shoving some food in the bags in case they were gone for long.

"Are you scared?" Eleven said.

Camden looked back at the bag with a frown.

"Yeah," she said.

"Me, too," Eleven whispered.

Dustin and Mike ran back downstairs, eyes wide and faces pale.

"Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go. They're here," Mike hissed.

"Shit," Camden muttered.

She threw Mike his bag and grabbed her skateboard, opening the basement door. Mike grabbed Eleven and dragged her outside, Dustin following with Camden bringing up the rear.

teenage tragedy (Max Mayfield)Where stories live. Discover now