2. fifteen

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"Cammie, come on! We've got to leave so I can pick Dustin up!" Steve shouted upstairs.

"I'm not going!" Cammie shouted back.

She heard him running upstairs and her door opened. He frowned at the sight of her. She was on her bed, Ghostbusters playing on her television, snacks surrounding her.

"Why not? I took you shopping for your dress and we got you those new shoes. I got Nancy to teach me how to do your rags. We got manicures and pedicures. I thought we were excited about this," Steve pointed at the rags for Cammie's curls in her hair and then wiggled his fingers to show his newly polished nails. "What's happened?" he sat on her bed.

"I don't want to go," she said, avoiding his eyes.

"Liar. Tell me the truth," he said.

"Promise you won't be mad?" she asked. He nodded.

"I promise," he said.

"I like Max," Cammie said, looking up at him slowly.

"I know. Now, why don't you want to go?" he said.

"Because I'm gay! I can't go!" she whined.

"Are you gay? Because I wouldn't put a label on yourself if you're not sure. This is one girl. And there isn't just gay and straight. There's other sexualities and stuff. Don't label yourself unless you're ready and comfortable. And being gay doesn't affect your dancing ability," he said. She frowned.

"Why do you know so much about this?" she said.

"Because, as a big brother, it's my job to protect my sister and make sure that whatever happens, she knows she is loved and has a safe space," he said.

She leaned forward and hugged him.

"I love you, Stevie," she said. He laughed and kissed her temple.

"I love you too, Cam," he said. "So, why aren't you going?" he said.

"Because I know Lucas likes Max, too, and if she dances with him, I'll kill myself," Cammie said.

He laughed and stood up, pulling her with him.

"So dramatic. Come on. Get ready. I'll get Dustin and we'll come back for you. I know Joyce and Hopper are both going to be there for El and Will so if anything happens, you go to them and one of them will take you home," he said. She sighed. "Okay?" he said.

"Okay," she said. He kissed her head again.

"Get ready. I'll take your rags out when I get back," he said.

"I'll do it. Just get Dustin," she said.

He nodded and waved goodbye, heading out to get Dustin.

Cammie stared at herself in the mirror in her bedroom an hour later.

She was wearing a pale pink dress with short sleeves that came to above her knees.. When she spun around, her skirt fanned around her and made her feel like a princess. Steve had said she truly looked like one in it when they were in the store looking for dresses for the school's Christmas ball.

She had a brand new pair of pink glittery Converse high tops on her feet and she'd taken her rags out. Her hair was down to her waist in perfect curls and she'd sprayed it with hairspray to keep it all in place. She'd clipped a bit back with a pink bow and had done simple makeup with pink lip gloss to match.

Cammie knew she'd be cold, considering it was December, so she slipped on her denim jacket and headed downstairs to wait for Steve.

He pulled up after a minute and she walked out to the car. Dustin got into the back and she stared at his hair.

teenage tragedy (Max Mayfield)Where stories live. Discover now