4. ten

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• AN: i am alive, sorry for not updating in ages. life has been shit but i'm here now so enjoy this mess. not proofread or anything but fuck it💗

A dull thud was banging in Cammie's head as she came into consciousness hours later. Her chest felt tight and her throat was burning, the taste of copper blood still on her tongue. Her entire body felt both hot and cold, clothes sticking to her sweaty skin even as she shivered for warmth in Max's lap.

She could feel Max's fingers running through her hair, pulled away from her neck so she wouldn't feel claustrophobic when she woke up, and she could feel the engine of the car rumbling underneath her body.

She figured she was in the back with Max, maybe Robin, too, as she could smell Robin's citrus scented perfume. Steve would be driving with Nancy up front, while Lucas and Dustin would fill the middle row.

Cammie blinked a few times, forcing her heavy eyelids open. The sunlight was streaming in through the back window and Cammie winced, closing them again as her head throbbed.

By the looks of things, she'd been out of it for at least twelve hours after her seizure. It was probably around ten or eleven in the morning and she'd had her seizure at roughly half nine. This was the longest she'd ever been out after a seizure, even with the times she'd been in hospital.

"Hey, baby. You're okay. I'm here," Max whispered, running her fingers through Cammie's hair as she put her other hand around Cammie's eyes to shield her face from the sun.

Cammie opened her eyes again, blinking a few more times to stop her vision being so fuzzy. Max was staring down at her, cheeks and eyes swollen red from crying, though she was still blurry to Cammie around the edges and keeping Cammie's eyes open made her headache burn.

"Steve, she's waking up," Robin looked over the seats at Steve.

"Good. Dustin, get her some food and water. Painkillers, too," Steve said.

The sound of bags being rummaged in filled Cammie's ears and she winced, turning her face so it was hidden against Max's stomach. Max's hands stroked her cheeks.

"I've got you. It's okay. We're gonna get you some painkillers and you'll be okay," Max whispered.

"Here," Dustin said, shoving a few things over the seats.

Robin held up a bottle of water and a packet of painkillers.

"These first. Then we get some food and sugar in you. We've got eggos," Robin said.

"Let's sit you up, Cam," Max said.

Cammie let Max help pull her body up, leaning against Max's chest sideways so she could avoid staring right into the sun. Robin put two pills on Max's hand and Max snapped them in half, holding them out for Cammie. Cammie took them in the halves, swallowing each half down with water and taking a few seconds to mentally talk herself into swallowing them because her throat felt like it was closing over inside of her.

She finished the water, wincing when she tasted the last remnants of blood from her nosebleed.

"Right, eggos," Robin held out a box of eggos, "And we made got you some energy shots. Figured they'd help," she said.

Cammie took an eggo and picked it apart, taking small bites slowly. She finished half before feeling her stomach lurch and she shook her head, putting the other half on the box.

"Shot?" Robin said. Cammie shook her head.

"How's her temperature?" Steve called.

"She's hot, but she's shivering. She goes between," Max said.

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