2. thirteen

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The five teenagers watched from the window as Billy and Steve talked.

"You think this will end badly?" Max asked.

Billy pointed at the window and they all ducked down into the couch.

"Shit, did he see us?" Dustin gasped.

"Yes, to both questions," Cammie whispered.

The door slammed open as Billy kicked it open and the teenagers jumped back from the window.

"Well, well, well. Camden Harrington. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from her, Max," Billy glared at Camden.

She frowned.

"What in the fuck have I done? Like, actually, what have I done?" she said. "I'm not Steve," she said.

"Billy, go away," Max said.

"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me," Billy stepped forward towards them, eyes on Max.

"Billy," Max warned.

"I break things," Billy grunted.

He grabbed Cammie around the neck and pinned her to the wall. She knew he wasn't going as hard as he could, considering she was a thirteen year old girl, but it didn't hurt her at all. She supposed it was probably the fact she had superstrength. Maybe her body could withstand a lot more than a normal human body. She definitely wasn't normal, after all.

"Billy! Stop! Billy! Stop!" Max shouted.

Cammie laughed loudly and Billy's face just got even angrier.

"Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her. Stay away from her! You hear me?" he shouted.

"Get off me, you fucking idiot!" she kicked Billy in the balls and used her strength to shove him off her.

He slammed into the wall across the room and growled.

"So dead, Harrington! You're dead," he shouted.

"Oh, really?" she smirked, cracking her knuckles ready.

"No. You are." Steve grabbed Billy and spun him around, punching him in the face.

Billy groaned, straightening up as he clutched his face.

"Steve!" Max shouted.

Billy laughed and started walking towards Steve.

"Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about," he said.

"Get out," Steve pushed Billy away.

Billy swung for Steve but he ducked and punched Billy. Billy groaned and rubbed his face.

"Yes! Kick his ass, Steve!" Dustin screamed.

Steve punched him again, and then again, knocking Billy into the kitchen counter.

"Get that shithead!" Mike screamed.

Billy laughed and reached for a plate. He smashed it over Steve's head and then punched him again. The crack of Billy's knuckles hitting Steve's face was loud enough for them to all hear it and Cammie winced, watching her brother collapse like a sack of potatoes.

"Here we go," she muttered.

"Billy!" Max shouted.

Billy strode over to Cammie and threw her against the wall. She groaned as her head slammed on the corner of Joyce's china cabinet. She fell onto the floor but pushed herself back up onto her feet.

teenage tragedy (Max Mayfield)Where stories live. Discover now