4. sixteen

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A few hours later, the group were back on the RV and pulling up towards the Creel House where Max, Lucas and Erica would be working from.

They would wait for the others to get into the Upside Down before moving onto phase two, distracting Vecna while Dustin and Eddie took care of distracting the bats in phase three. Cammie, Steve, Robin and Nancy would move into the Upside Down version of the Creel House and attempt to kill Vecna before he killed Max and opened the gates across Hawkins, which was phase four.

Cammie was sat at the back of the RV with Max curled up in her arms, the two of them just taking one final minute before separating. Max's head was resting above Cammie's heart, listening intently to her heartbeat, while Cammie was playing with Max's hair, embracing the feeling of holding the love of her life in her arms where they were still safe for a few minutes.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Max mumbled.

"I mean, yeah. I have been since this all started," Cammie frowned.

"Not that future. Our future after," Max said. "If we get one, after, I mean. I know we might not, but I'm hoping that we do. We'll move out of Hawkins, go somewhere where we're not haunted by memories. Maybe go to college. We'll get a little apartment, maybe a cat, or two so the first one isn't lonely when we're not home. We'll have a place of our own, make our own family and memories there. We'll be happy and safe and free," Max said, looking up at Cammie.

Cammie smiled, tears already dripping down her cheeks as she cradled Max's cheeks in her hands. She leaned forward, kissing her three times.

"One day, we'll do all of that. We'll have a spare bedroom for whatever idiots decide to come and stay with us. We'll make a home, a safe place. It'll be ours. I'll be yours, and you'll be mine," Cammie whispered.

"Forever," Max whispered back, kissing Cammie.

"Forever," Cammie whispered against her lips.

"Cammax, we're approaching our destination," Robin called back to them. "I really do hate to break up this sapphic love fest, too, 'cause you guys are adorable and this is all horrible to be dealing with when your loved one is in danger-"

"You're not helping calm them down," Nancy told her softly, squeezing Robin's arm and pulling her to sit back down. "But, she's right. We're here," she said.

Cammie and Max stood up, walking towards the door of the RV as Steve pulled to a stop. Lucas and Erica were hugging the others, Max going to do the same so the Sinclairs could hug Cammie.

"Be careful, alright?" Lucas told Cammie.

"You, too," Cammie pat his back.

"I'll keep her safe," Lucas said, looking over at Max. Cammie smiled.

"I know. I trust you and Erica. She's in good hands," Cammie said.

"Just the facts," Erica said, pushing Lucas so she could hug Cammie. "Don't die, alright? I'm sick of always seeing you near death," Erica said.

"I'm sick of always being near death," Cammie chuckled.

Erica and Lucas climbed off the RV and Max moved over to hug Steve. He wrapped his arms tightly around Max, hand holding the back of her head as he kissed her forehead.

"We'll be back before you know it. You got this, Max. Seriously," Steve said quietly. Max nodded against his chest. "I love you, you little shit," he added.

Max chuckled and wiped her tears.

"I love you, too, asshole," she said.

Cammie smiled at her brother and girlfriend interacting, knowing that Steve was doing his best to fill the big brother steps Billy couldn't without overstepping any boundaries. Max would tell him if he was, but she hadn't ever told him to stop. She'd deny it, 'cause it would inflate Steve's ego even more, but she really did love him and she was grateful for the brother she gained in her own found family.

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