3. eleven

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Cammie nodded at Dustin from where she was hiding behind a wall adjacent to him. There was a large open doorway between them that led into the main area outside of where the Russians were holding Steve and Robin hostage.

The two of them threw the cylinders of the green acidic liquid into the area. They shattered and began burning holes through the floor, everyone running there to try and stop it. Dustin and Cammie hid as the Russians in the room ran out. Then, Dustin and Erica ran in to get Steve and Robin while Cammie ran around the corner and drove the cart to the doorway.

Dustin and Erica returned, shoving Steve and Robin in the back cage, and then jumped in.

"Drive!" Dustin said.

Cammie shoved her foot on the gas, the five of them speeding down the hallway.

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve shouted to Cammie.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin slurred.

"It's the Indy 300," Steve said.

"No, dingus, it's 500!" Robin argued.

"It's 300!" Steve whined.

"Let's say a million," Robin said.

The two of them started laughing loudly and Cammie rolled her eyes, turning them around the corner to take them back to the elevator.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica said.

"I don't know," Dustin said.

"Cammie, watch out!" Erica squeaked.

Cammie slammed on the breaks before they drove right into the elevator.

"Shit!" Dustin shouted.

Steve and Robin groaned loudly at the impact of their bodies hitting the metal cage they were sat in.

"Oh!" Steve cried.

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin said.

They groaned loudly and Cammie shrugged.

"They're fine," Dustin agreed. He and Erica got Steve and Robin out and Cammie grabbed the zappers. "We gotta go, now," Dustin ushered them into the elevator.

"Come on! Get out!" Erica shouted.

"Ow! We're coming!" Steve whined.

Cammie stepped into the elevator and nodded at Dustin.

"Here goes nothin'." Dustin used the keycard on the elevator and they waited in silence for it to process.

"This sucks," Steve pouted.

The machine beeped and Dustin pressed the up button. The doors slammed shut and they started shooting up. Steve laughed and stood up on one of the trolleys, waving his arms wildly.

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin laughed.

"Surfing! Yeah! Whoa!" Steve shouted.

"They seem drunk," Erica looked at Dustin and Cammie.

"Why would they be drunk?" Dustin said.

"I'm a natural! Check it out! Whoop!" Steve shouted.

Robin yanked the trolley out from under him and he fell onto his bum, laughing loudly. She crawled down beside him, laughing hard enough to make tears come out of her eyes.

"He's burning up." Dustin felt Steve's head with the back of his hand.

"You're burning up," Steve scoffed.

teenage tragedy (Max Mayfield)Where stories live. Discover now